You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

73 lines
3.2 KiB

# Downloader for Linux Academy
This script will download courses from [Linux Academy]( for offline consumption.
## Important Notice
**Use of this script is for personal consumption of content only.** The content this script downloads is protected by copyright and must not be shared.
#### Good uses
* Downloading a lesson before embarking to a destination with little or no internet access.
* Keep lessons you've completed for a personal backup.
#### Bad uses
* Uploading the downloaded videos to a content sharing site.
* Sending copies of the videos to your friends and family.
* Hoarding lessons for future consumption beyond your subscription period.
Please exercise good judgement when using this script. The folks at Linux Academy work hard to make quality courses and you should support them by paying for a subscription if you can. You may also wish to speak with your employer to find out if they would be willing to pay for your subscription.
## Installation
Tested on a fresh install of CentOS 7.6 Your installation packet-names may vary depending on your OS.
$ sudo -i
# yum install python3 python3-pip git unzip ffmpeg -y
# pip3 install selenium youtube-dl
# cd /opt && git clone
# cd selenium-linuxacademy-dl && chmod +x
### Browser
You will need Chrome or Firefox and its matching driver.
#### Chrome example for CentOS
Install [Google Chrome]( and download the appropriate [ChromeDriver]( version. Make sure the `chromedriver` executable is in your PATH (e.g., `/usr/local/bin`).
# wget
# yum install ./google-chrome-stable_current_*.rpm
# wget
# unzip
# cp chromedriver /usr/bin/
#### Firefox example for Debian
Install Mozilla Firefox and download [geckodriver](
# apt install firefox
# tar xzf geckodriver-*-linux64.tar.gz
# cp geckodriver /usr/bin/
## Usage
This will only work with an active Linux Academy subscription. If you do not have one, please get one [here](
./ [-u|--username] [-p|--password] [-d|--download-dir] [-c|--cookies-file] COURSE_URL
Options may be replaced with environment variables. Command line options take precedence.
$ ./ -u -p p@ssw0rd
$ export
$ export LADL_PASSWORD=p@ssw0rd
$ export LADL_DIR=/opt/linux-academy-videos
$ ./
The username/email and password fields are required. The cookie file will opt to `$PWD/cookies.txt` and the download directory will default to `$SCRIPT_DIR/download`, where `$SCRIPT_DIR` is the path of the `` script.