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namespace Proxy\Plugin;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use Proxy\Event\ProxyEvent;
abstract class AbstractPlugin implements EventSubscriberInterface {
// apply these methods only to those events whose request URL passes this filter
protected $url_pattern;
public function onBeforeRequest(ProxyEvent $event){
// fired right before a request is being sent to a proxy
public function onHeadersReceived(ProxyEvent $event){
// fired right after response headers have been fully received - last chance to modify before sending it back to the user
public function onCurlWrite(ProxyEvent $event){
// fired as the data is being written piece by piece
public function onCompleted(ProxyEvent $event){
// fired after the full response=headers+body has been read - will only be called on "non-streaming" responses
// dispatch based on filter
final public function route(ProxyEvent $event, $event_name, EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher){
$url = $event['request']->getUri();
// url filter provided and current request url does not match it
if(strpos($this->url_pattern, '/') === 0){
if(!preg_match($this->url_pattern, $url))
if(stripos($url, $this->url_pattern) === false)
case 'request.before_send':
case 'request.sent':
case 'curl.callback.write':
case 'request.complete':
// This method returns an array indexed by event names and whose values are either the method name to call
// or an array composed of the method name to call and a priority.
final public static function getSubscribedEvents(){
return array(
'request.before_send' => 'route',
'request.sent' => 'route',
'curl.callback.write' => 'route',
'request.complete' => 'route'