php-proxy ========= Proxy script built on PHP, Symfony and cURL. This library borrows ideas from Glype, Jenssegers proxy, and Guzzle. PHP-Proxy Web Application ------- If you're looking for a **project** version of this script that functions as a Web Application similar to Glype, then visit [**php-proxy-app**]( See this php-proxy in action: Installation ------- Install it using [Composer]( ```bash composer require athlon1600/php-proxy ``` Example -------- ```php require('vendor/autoload.php'); use Proxy\Http\Request; use Proxy\Proxy; $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); $proxy = new Proxy(); $proxy->getEventDispatcher()->addListener('request.before_send', function($event){ $event['request']->headers->set('X-Forwarded-For', 'php-proxy'); }); $proxy->getEventDispatcher()->addListener('request.sent', function($event){ if($event['response']->getStatusCode() != 200){ die("Bad status code!"); } }); $proxy->getEventDispatcher()->addListener('request.complete', function($event){ $content = $event['response']->getContent(); $content .= ''; $event['response']->setContent($content); }); $response = $proxy->forward($request, ""); // send the response back to the client $response->send(); ``` Plugin Example -------- ```php namespace Proxy\Plugin; use Proxy\Plugin\AbstractPlugin; use Proxy\Event\ProxyEvent; use Proxy\Html; class MultiSiteMatchPlugin extends AbstractPlugin { // Matches multiple domain names (,, using regex (you MUST use / character) protected $url_pattern = '/^abc\.(com|de|pl)$/is'; // Matches a single domain name //protected $url_pattern = ''; public function onCompleted(ProxyEvent $event){ $response = $event['response']; $html = $response->getContent(); // do your stuff here... $response->setContent($html); } } ``` Notice that you must use the **/** character for regexes on ```$url_pattern```