You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

132 lines
3.7 KiB

5 years ago
namespace Proxy\Plugin;
use Proxy\Plugin\AbstractPlugin;
use Proxy\Event\ProxyEvent;
class CookiePlugin extends AbstractPlugin {
const COOKIE_PREFIX = 'pc';
public function onBeforeRequest(ProxyEvent $event){
$request = $event['request'];
// cookie sent by the browser to the server
$http_cookie = $request->headers->get("cookie");
// remove old cookie header and rewrite it
When the user agent generates an HTTP request, the user agent MUST NOT attach more than one Cookie header field.
$send_cookies = array();
// extract "proxy cookies" only
// A Proxy Cookie would have the following name: COOKIE_PREFIX_domain-it-belongs-to__cookie-name
if(preg_match_all('@pc_(.+?)__(.+?)=([^;]+)@', $http_cookie, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)){
foreach($matches as $match){
$cookie_name = $match[2];
$cookie_value = $match[3];
$cookie_domain = str_replace("_", ".", $match[1]);
// what is the domain or our current URL?
$host = parse_url($request->getUri(), PHP_URL_HOST);
// does this cookie belong to this domain?
// sometimes domain begins with a DOT indicating all subdomains - deprecated but still in use on some servers...
if(strpos($host, $cookie_domain) !== false){
$send_cookies[] = $cookie_name.'='.$cookie_value;
// do we have any cookies to send?
$request->headers->set('cookie', implode("; ", $send_cookies));
// cookies received from a target server via set-cookie should be rewritten
public function onHeadersReceived(ProxyEvent $event){
$request = $event['request'];
$response = $event['response'];
// does the response send any cookies?
$set_cookie = $response->headers->get('set-cookie');
// remove set-cookie header and reconstruct it differently
// loop through each set-cookie line
foreach( (array)$set_cookie as $line){
// parse cookie data as array from header line
$cookie = $this->parse_cookie($line, $request->getUri());
// construct a "proxy cookie" whose name includes the domain to which this cookie belongs to
// replace dots with underscores as cookie name can only contain alphanumeric and underscore
$cookie_name = sprintf("%s_%s__%s", self::COOKIE_PREFIX, str_replace('.', '_', $cookie['domain']), $cookie['name']);
// append a simple name=value cookie to the header - no expiration date means that the cookie will be a session cookie
$event['response']->headers->set('set-cookie', $cookie_name.'='.$cookie['value'], false);
// adapted from browserkit
private function parse_cookie($line, $url){
$host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
$data = array(
'name' => '',
'value' => '',
'domain' => $host,
'path' => '/',
'expires' => 0,
'secure' => false,
'httpOnly' => true
$line = preg_replace('/^Set-Cookie2?: /i', '', trim($line));
// there should be at least one name=value pair
$pairs = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(';', $line)));
foreach($pairs as $index => $comp){
$parts = explode('=', $comp, 2);
$key = trim($parts[0]);
if(count($parts) == 1){
// secure; HttpOnly; == 1
$data[$key] = true;
} else {
$value = trim($parts[1]);
if($index == 0){
$data['name'] = $key;
$data['value'] = $value;
} else {
$data[$key] = $value;
return $data;