You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

39 lines
989 B

5 years ago
use Proxy\Plugin\AbstractPlugin;
use Proxy\Event\ProxyEvent;
class UrlFormPlugin extends AbstractPlugin {
public function onCompleted(ProxyEvent $event){
$request = $event['request'];
$response = $event['response'];
$url = $request->getUri();
// we attach url_form only if this is a html response
// this path would be relative to index.php that included it?
$url_form = render_template("./templates/url_form.php", array(
'url' => $url
$output = $response->getContent();
// does the html page contain <body> tag, if so insert our form right after <body> tag starts
$output = preg_replace('@<body.*?>@is', '$0'.PHP_EOL.$url_form, $output, 1, $count);
// <body> tag was not found, just put the form at the top of the page
if($count == 0){
$output = $url_form.$output;