You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

145 lines
4.0 KiB

5 years ago
define('PROXY_START', microtime(true));
use Proxy\Http\Request;
use Proxy\Http\Response;
use Proxy\Plugin\AbstractPlugin;
use Proxy\Event\FilterEvent;
use Proxy\Config;
use Proxy\Proxy;
// start the session
// load config...
// custom config file to be written to by a bash script or something
if (!Config::get('app_key')) {
die("app_key inside config.php cannot be empty!");
if (!function_exists('curl_version')) {
die("cURL extension is not loaded!");
// how are our URLs be generated from this point? this must be set here so the proxify_url function below can make use of it
if (Config::get('url_mode') == 2) {
Config::set('encryption_key', md5(Config::get('app_key') . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
} else if (Config::get('url_mode') == 3) {
Config::set('encryption_key', md5(Config::get('app_key') . session_id()));
// very important!!! otherwise requests are queued while waiting for session file to be unlocked
// form submit in progress...
if (isset($_POST['url'])) {
$url = $_POST['url'];
if (strpos ($url, '.') !== false){
$url = add_http($url);
header("HTTP/1.1 302 Found");
header('Location: '.proxify_url($url));
else {
$url = '' . urlencode($url);
$url = add_http($url);
header("HTTP/1.1 302 Found");
header('Location: '.proxify_url($url));
} else if (!isset($_GET['q'])) {
// must be at homepage - should we redirect somewhere else?
if (Config::get('index_redirect')) {
// redirect to...
header("HTTP/1.1 302 Found");
header("Location: " . Config::get('index_redirect'));
} else {
if (isset($_GET["tos"]) != "") {
echo render_template("./templates/tos.php", array(
'version' => Proxy::VERSION
} else {
echo render_template("./templates/main.php", array('version' => Proxy::VERSION));
// decode q parameter to get the real URL
$url = url_decrypt($_GET['q']);
$proxy = new Proxy();
// load plugins
foreach (Config::get('plugins', array()) as $plugin) {
$plugin_class = $plugin . 'Plugin';
if (file_exists('./plugins/' . $plugin_class . '.php')) {
// use user plugin from /plugins/
require_once('./plugins/' . $plugin_class . '.php');
} else if (class_exists('\\Proxy\\Plugin\\' . $plugin_class)) {
// does the native plugin from php-proxy package with such name exist?
$plugin_class = '\\Proxy\\Plugin\\' . $plugin_class;
// otherwise plugin_class better be loaded already through composer.json and match namespace exactly \\Vendor\\Plugin\\SuperPlugin
$proxy->getEventDispatcher()->addSubscriber(new $plugin_class());
try {
// request sent to index.php
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
// remove all GET parameters such as ?q=
// forward it to some other URL
$response = $proxy->forward($request, $url);
// if that was a streaming response, then everything was already sent and script will be killed before it even reaches this line
} catch (Exception $ex) {
// if the site is on then you may wish to redirect it back to
if (Config::get("error_redirect")) {
$url = render_string(Config::get("error_redirect"), array(
'error_msg' => rawurlencode($ex->getMessage())
// Cannot modify header information - headers already sent
header("HTTP/1.1 302 Found");
header("Location: {$url}");
} else {
echo render_template("./templates/main.php", array(
'url' => $url,
'error_msg' => $ex->getMessage(),
'version' => Proxy::VERSION