angular.module('modalTest',['ui.bootstrap','dialogs']) .controller('dialogServiceTest',function($scope,$rootScope,$timeout,$dialogs){ $scope.confirmed = 'You have yet to be confirmed!'; $ = '"Your name here."'; $scope.launch = function(which){ var dlg = null; switch(which){ // Error Dialog case 'error': dlg = $dialogs.error('This is my error message'); break; // Wait / Progress Dialog case 'wait': dlg = $dialogs.wait(msgs[i++],progress); fakeProgress(); break; // Notify Dialog case 'notify': dlg = $dialogs.notify('Something Happened!','Something happened that I need to tell you.'); break; // Confirm Dialog case 'confirm': dlg = $dialogs.confirm('Please Confirm','Is this awesome or what?'); dlg.result.then(function(btn){ $scope.confirmed = 'You thought this quite awesome!'; },function(btn){ $scope.confirmed = 'Shame on you for not thinking this is awesome!'; }); break; // Create Your Own Dialog case 'create': dlg = $dialogs.create('/dialogs/whatsyourname.html','whatsYourNameCtrl',{},{key: false,back: 'static'}); dlg.result.then(function(name){ $ = name; },function(){ $ = 'You decided not to enter in your name, that makes me sad.'; }); break; }; // end switch }; // end launch // for faking the progress bar in the wait dialog var progress = 25; var msgs = [ 'Hey! I\'m waiting here...', 'About half way done...', 'Almost there?', 'Woo Hoo! I made it!' ]; var i = 0; var fakeProgress = function(){ $timeout(function(){ if(progress < 100){ progress += 25; $rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs.wait.progress',{msg: msgs[i++],'progress': progress}); fakeProgress(); }else{ $rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs.wait.complete'); } },1000); }; // end fakeProgress }) // end dialogsServiceTest .controller('whatsYourNameCtrl',function($scope,$modalInstance,data){ $scope.user = {name : ''}; $scope.cancel = function(){ $modalInstance.dismiss('canceled'); }; // end cancel $ = function(){ $modalInstance.close($; }; // end save $scope.hitEnter = function(evt){ if(angular.equals(evt.keyCode,13) && !(angular.equals($,null) || angular.equals($,''))) $; }; // end hitEnter }) // end whatsYourNameCtrl .run(['$templateCache',function($templateCache){ $templateCache.put('/dialogs/whatsyourname.html',''); }]); // end run / module