# web advent calendar A dynamic php based advent calendar which can be easily configured via a json-config file ![image](/attachments/22fe9e10-d5c9-4229-81e0-9b0e52e5396b) ## Configuration There are two different and identical configuration files. One is the "calendar_prod.json" which is loaded by default and the other is the "calendar_dev.json" which is only loaded in development mode ### Enable development-mode: Add the following switch at the end of the URL of the web application to activate the deverlopmend mode ```/index.php?dev=1``` ### Configuration parameter Set width and height for the calendar: ```json ... "config": { "calendarWidth": "472", "calendarHeight": "827", "useModal": "true", "showExtras": "true" }, ... ``` Add entries for the days ```json ... "entries": [ { "unlockDate": "2020-12-19", "doorWidth": "118", "doorHeight": "118", "positionTop": "0", "positionLeft": "0", "doorImageLeft": "images/19.png", "backgroundImage": "images/background1x1.png", "url": "adv19" }, ... ] ... ``` ## Browser support Unfortunately, older versions of Internet Explorer do not support CSS3 that well. The example calendar uses a fallback where the calendar doors are just hidden on hover.