{ Copyright 2014 Stas'M Corp. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. } unit LiteINI; interface uses SysUtils; type SList = Array of String; INIValue = record Name: String; Value: String; end; INISection = record Name: String; Values: Array of INIValue; end; INIFile = Array of INISection; procedure SListClear(var List: SList); function SListAppend(var List: SList; S: String): Integer; function SListFind(List: SList; Value: String): Integer; function INIFindSection(INI: INIFile; Section: String): Integer; function INIFindValue(INI: INIFile; Section: Integer; Value: String): Integer; function INIAddSection(var INI: INIFile; Section: String): Integer; function INIAddValue(var INI: INIFile; Section: Integer; ValueName, Value: String): Integer; procedure INIUnload(var INI: INIFile); procedure INILoad(var INI: INIFile; FileName: String); function INISectionExists(INI: INIFile; Section: String): Boolean; function INIValueExists(INI: INIFile; Section: String; Value: String): Boolean; function INIReadSectionLowAPI(INI: INIFile; Section: Integer; var List: SList): Boolean; function INIReadSection(INI: INIFile; Section: String): SList; function INIReadStringLowAPI(INI: INIFile; Section, Value: Integer; var Str: String): Boolean; function INIReadString(INI: INIFile; Section, Value, Default: String): String; function INIReadInt(INI: INIFile; Section, Value: String; Default: Integer): Integer; function INIReadDWord(INI: INIFile; Section, Value: String; Default: Cardinal): Cardinal; function INIReadIntHex(INI: INIFile; Section, Value: String; Default: Integer): Integer; function INIReadDWordHex(INI: INIFile; Section, Value: String; Default: Cardinal): Cardinal; function INIReadBool(INI: INIFile; Section, Value: String; Default: Boolean): Boolean; function INIReadBytes(INI: INIFile; Section, Value: String): TBytes; function INIReadBytesDef(INI: INIFile; Section, Value: String; Default: TBytes): TBytes; implementation procedure SListClear(var List: SList); begin SetLength(List, 0); end; function SListAppend(var List: SList; S: String): Integer; begin SetLength(List, Length(List) + 1); List[Length(List) - 1] := S; Result := Length(List) - 1; end; function SListFind(List: SList; Value: String): Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result := -1; for I := 0 to Length(List) - 1 do if List[I] = Value then begin Result := I; Break; end; end; function INIFindSection(INI: INIFile; Section: String): Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result := -1; for I := 0 to Length(INI) - 1 do if INI[I].Name = Section then begin Result := I; Exit; end; end; function INIFindValue(INI: INIFile; Section: Integer; Value: String): Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result := -1; if (Section < 0) or (Section >= Length(INI)) then Exit; for I := 0 to Length(INI[Section].Values) - 1 do if INI[Section].Values[I].Name = Value then begin Result := I; Exit; end; end; function INIAddSection(var INI: INIFile; Section: String): Integer; begin Result := INIFindSection(INI, Section); if Result >= 0 then Exit; Result := Length(INI); SetLength(INI, Result + 1); INI[Result].Name := Section; SetLength(INI[Result].Values, 0); end; function INIAddValue(var INI: INIFile; Section: Integer; ValueName, Value: String): Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result := -1; if (Section < 0) or (Section >= Length(INI)) then Exit; I := INIFindValue(INI, Section, ValueName); if I = -1 then begin Result := Length(INI[Section].Values); SetLength(INI[Section].Values, Result + 1); INI[Section].Values[Result].Name := ValueName; INI[Section].Values[Result].Value := Value; end else begin INI[Section].Values[I].Value := Value; Result := I; end; end; procedure INIUnload(var INI: INIFile); begin SetLength(INI, 0); end; procedure INILoad(var INI: INIFile; FileName: String); var F: TextFile; S, ValueName, Value: String; INIList: SList; I, Sect: Integer; begin INIUnload(INI); if not FileExists(FileName) then Exit; AssignFile(F, FileName); Reset(F); // Read and filter lines while not EOF(F) do begin Readln(F, S); if (Pos(';', S) <> 1) and (Pos('#', S) <> 1) and ( ((Pos('[', S) > 0) and (Pos(']', S) > 0)) or (Pos('=', S) > 0) ) then SListAppend(INIList, S); end; CloseFile(F); // Parse 2 (parse format) Sect := -1; for I := 0 to Length(INIList) - 1 do begin S := Trim(INIList[I]); if Length(S) >= 2 then if (S[1] = '[') and (S[Length(S)] = ']') then begin S := Trim(Copy(S, 2, Length(S) - 2)); Sect := INIAddSection(INI, S); Continue; end; S := INIList[I]; if Pos('=', S) > 0 then begin ValueName := Trim(Copy(S, 1, Pos('=', S) - 1)); Value := Copy(S, Pos('=', S) + 1, Length(S) - Pos('=', S)); if Sect = -1 then Sect := INIAddSection(INI, ''); INIAddValue(INI, Sect, ValueName, Value); end; end; end; function INISectionExists(INI: INIFile; Section: String): Boolean; begin Result := INIFindSection(INI, Section) > -1; end; function INIValueExists(INI: INIFile; Section: String; Value: String): Boolean; var Sect: Integer; begin Sect := INIFindSection(INI, Section); Result := INIFindValue(INI, Sect, Value) > -1; end; function INIReadSectionLowAPI(INI: INIFile; Section: Integer; var List: SList): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin Result := False; SetLength(List, 0); if (Section < 0) or (Section >= Length(INI)) then Exit; for I := 0 to Length(INI[Section].Values) - 1 do SListAppend(List, INI[Section].Values[I].Name); Result := True; end; function INIReadSection(INI: INIFile; Section: String): SList; var Sect: Integer; begin Sect := INIFindSection(INI, Section); INIReadSectionLowAPI(INI, Sect, Result); end; function INIReadStringLowAPI(INI: INIFile; Section, Value: Integer; var Str: String): Boolean; begin Result := False; if (Section < 0) or (Section >= Length(INI)) then Exit; if (Value < 0) or (Value >= Length(INI[Section].Values)) then Exit; Str := INI[Section].Values[Value].Value; Result := True; end; function INIReadString(INI: INIFile; Section, Value, Default: String): String; var Sect, Val: Integer; begin Sect := INIFindSection(INI, Section); Val := INIFindValue(INI, Sect, Value); if not INIReadStringLowAPI(INI, Sect, Val, Result) then Result := Default; end; function INIReadInt(INI: INIFile; Section, Value: String; Default: Integer): Integer; var S: String; E: Integer; begin S := INIReadString(INI, Section, Value, ''); Val(S, Result, E); if E <> 0 then Result := Default; end; function INIReadDWord(INI: INIFile; Section, Value: String; Default: Cardinal): Cardinal; var S: String; E: Integer; begin S := INIReadString(INI, Section, Value, ''); Val(S, Result, E); if E <> 0 then Result := Default; end; function INIReadIntHex(INI: INIFile; Section, Value: String; Default: Integer): Integer; var S: String; E: Integer; begin S := INIReadString(INI, Section, Value, ''); Val('$'+S, Result, E); if E <> 0 then Result := Default; end; function INIReadDWordHex(INI: INIFile; Section, Value: String; Default: Cardinal): Cardinal; var S: String; E: Integer; begin S := INIReadString(INI, Section, Value, ''); Val('$'+S, Result, E); if E <> 0 then Result := Default; end; function INIReadBool(INI: INIFile; Section, Value: String; Default: Boolean): Boolean; var S: String; I: Cardinal; E: Integer; begin S := INIReadString(INI, Section, Value, ''); Val(S, I, E); if E <> 0 then Result := Default else Result := I > 0; end; function StringToBytes(S: String; var B: TBytes): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin Result := False; if Odd(Length(S)) then Exit; SetLength(B, Length(S) div 2); for I := 0 to Length(B) - 1 do begin B[I] := 0; case S[(I*2)+2] of '0': ; '1': B[I] := B[I] or $1; '2': B[I] := B[I] or $2; '3': B[I] := B[I] or $3; '4': B[I] := B[I] or $4; '5': B[I] := B[I] or $5; '6': B[I] := B[I] or $6; '7': B[I] := B[I] or $7; '8': B[I] := B[I] or $8; '9': B[I] := B[I] or $9; 'A','a': B[I] := B[I] or $A; 'B','b': B[I] := B[I] or $B; 'C','c': B[I] := B[I] or $C; 'D','d': B[I] := B[I] or $D; 'E','e': B[I] := B[I] or $E; 'F','f': B[I] := B[I] or $F; else Exit; end; case S[(I*2)+1] of '0': ; '1': B[I] := B[I] or $10; '2': B[I] := B[I] or $20; '3': B[I] := B[I] or $30; '4': B[I] := B[I] or $40; '5': B[I] := B[I] or $50; '6': B[I] := B[I] or $60; '7': B[I] := B[I] or $70; '8': B[I] := B[I] or $80; '9': B[I] := B[I] or $90; 'A','a': B[I] := B[I] or $A0; 'B','b': B[I] := B[I] or $B0; 'C','c': B[I] := B[I] or $C0; 'D','d': B[I] := B[I] or $D0; 'E','e': B[I] := B[I] or $E0; 'F','f': B[I] := B[I] or $F0; else Exit; end; end; Result := True; end; function INIReadBytes(INI: INIFile; Section, Value: String): TBytes; var S: String; begin S := INIReadString(INI, Section, Value, ''); if not StringToBytes(S, Result) then SetLength(Result, 0); end; function INIReadBytesDef(INI: INIFile; Section, Value: String; Default: TBytes): TBytes; var S: String; begin S := INIReadString(INI, Section, Value, ''); if not StringToBytes(S, Result) then Result := Default; end; end.