program RDPWInst; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R resource.res} uses SysUtils, Windows, Classes, WinSvc, Registry; function EnumServicesStatusEx( hSCManager: SC_HANDLE; InfoLevel, dwServiceType, dwServiceState: DWORD; lpServices: PByte; cbBufSize: DWORD; var pcbBytesNeeded, lpServicesReturned, lpResumeHandle: DWORD; pszGroupName: PWideChar): BOOL; stdcall; external advapi32 name 'EnumServicesStatusExW'; type FILE_VERSION = record Version: record case Boolean of True: (dw: DWORD); False: (w: record Minor, Major: Word; end;) end; Release, Build: Word; bDebug, bPrerelease, bPrivate, bSpecial: Boolean; end; SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS = packed record dwServiceType, dwCurrentState, dwControlsAccepted, dwWin32ExitCode, dwServiceSpecificExitCode, dwCheckPoint, dwWaitHint, dwProcessId, dwServiceFlags: DWORD; end; PSERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS = ^SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS; ENUM_SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS = packed record lpServiceName, lpDisplayName: PWideChar; ServiceStatusProcess: SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS; end; PENUM_SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS = ^ENUM_SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS; const SC_ENUM_PROCESS_INFO = 0; TermService = 'TermService'; var Installed: Boolean; WrapPath: String; Arch: Byte; OldWow64RedirectionValue: LongBool; TermServicePath: String; FV: FILE_VERSION; TermServicePID: DWORD; ShareSvc: Array of String; sShareSvc: String; function SupportedArchitecture: Boolean; var SI: TSystemInfo; begin GetNativeSystemInfo(SI); case SI.wProcessorArchitecture of 0: begin Arch := 32; Result := True; // Intel x86 end; 6: Result := False; // Itanium-based x64 9: begin Arch := 64; Result := True; // Intel/AMD x64 end; else Result := False; end; end; function DisableWowRedirection: Boolean; type TFunc = function(var Wow64FsEnableRedirection: LongBool): LongBool; stdcall; var hModule: THandle; Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection: TFunc; begin Result := False; hModule := GetModuleHandle(kernel32); if hModule <> 0 then Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection := GetProcAddress(hModule, 'Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection') else Exit; if @Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection <> nil then Result := Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection(OldWow64RedirectionValue); end; function RevertWowRedirection: Boolean; type TFunc = function(var Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection: LongBool): LongBool; stdcall; var hModule: THandle; Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection: TFunc; begin Result := False; hModule := GetModuleHandle(kernel32); if hModule <> 0 then Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection := GetProcAddress(hModule, 'Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection') else Exit; if @Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection <> nil then Result := Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection(OldWow64RedirectionValue); end; procedure CheckInstall; var Code: DWORD; TermServiceHost: String; Reg: TRegistry; begin if Arch = 64 then Reg := TRegistry.Create(KEY_WOW64_64KEY) else Reg := TRegistry.Create; Reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if not Reg.OpenKeyReadOnly('\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TermService') then begin Reg.Free; Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] OpenKeyReadOnly error (code ', Code, ').'); Halt(Code); end; TermServiceHost := Reg.ReadString('ImagePath'); Reg.CloseKey; if Pos('svchost.exe', LowerCase(TermServiceHost)) = 0 then begin Reg.Free; Writeln('[-] TermService is hosted in a custom application (BeTwin, etc.) - unsupported.'); Writeln('[*] ImagePath: "', TermServiceHost, '".'); Halt(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); end; if not Reg.OpenKeyReadOnly('\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TermService\Parameters') then begin Reg.Free; Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] OpenKeyReadOnly error (code ', Code, ').'); Halt(Code); end; TermServicePath := Reg.ReadString('ServiceDll'); Reg.CloseKey; if (Pos('termsrv.dll', LowerCase(TermServicePath)) = 0) and (Pos('rdpwrap.dll', LowerCase(TermServicePath)) = 0) then begin Reg.Free; Writeln('[-] Another third-party TermService library is installed.'); Writeln('[*] ServiceDll: "', TermServicePath, '".'); Halt(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); end; Reg.Free; Installed := Pos('rdpwrap.dll', LowerCase(TermServicePath)) > 0; end; function SvcGetStart(SvcName: String): Integer; var hSC: SC_HANDLE; hSvc: THandle; Code: DWORD; lpServiceConfig: PQueryServiceConfig; Buf: Pointer; cbBufSize, pcbBytesNeeded: Cardinal; begin Result := -1; Writeln('[*] Checking ', SvcName, '...'); hSC := OpenSCManager(nil, SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASE, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); if hSC = 0 then begin Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] OpenSCManager error (code ', Code, ').'); Exit; end; hSvc := OpenService(hSC, PWideChar(SvcName), SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG); if hSvc = 0 then begin CloseServiceHandle(hSC); Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] OpenService error (code ', Code, ').'); Exit; end; if QueryServiceConfig(hSvc, nil, 0, pcbBytesNeeded) then begin Writeln('[-] QueryServiceConfig failed.'); Exit; end; cbBufSize := pcbBytesNeeded; GetMem(Buf, cbBufSize); if not QueryServiceConfig(hSvc, Buf, cbBufSize, pcbBytesNeeded) then begin FreeMem(Buf, cbBufSize); CloseServiceHandle(hSvc); CloseServiceHandle(hSC); Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] QueryServiceConfig error (code ', Code, ').'); Exit; end else begin lpServiceConfig := Buf; Result := Integer(lpServiceConfig^.dwStartType); end; FreeMem(Buf, cbBufSize); CloseServiceHandle(hSvc); CloseServiceHandle(hSC); end; procedure SvcConfigStart(SvcName: String; dwStartType: Cardinal); var hSC: SC_HANDLE; hSvc: THandle; Code: DWORD; begin Writeln('[*] Configuring ', SvcName, '...'); hSC := OpenSCManager(nil, SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASE, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); if hSC = 0 then begin Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] OpenSCManager error (code ', Code, ').'); Exit; end; hSvc := OpenService(hSC, PWideChar(SvcName), SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG); if hSvc = 0 then begin CloseServiceHandle(hSC); Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] OpenService error (code ', Code, ').'); Exit; end; if not ChangeServiceConfig(hSvc, SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, dwStartType, SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil) then begin CloseServiceHandle(hSvc); CloseServiceHandle(hSC); Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] ChangeServiceConfig error (code ', Code, ').'); Exit; end; CloseServiceHandle(hSvc); CloseServiceHandle(hSC); end; procedure SvcStart(SvcName: String); var hSC: SC_HANDLE; hSvc: THandle; Code: DWORD; pch: PWideChar; begin Writeln('[*] Starting ', SvcName, '...'); hSC := OpenSCManager(nil, SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASE, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); if hSC = 0 then begin Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] OpenSCManager error (code ', Code, ').'); Exit; end; hSvc := OpenService(hSC, PWideChar(SvcName), SERVICE_START); if hSvc = 0 then begin CloseServiceHandle(hSC); Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] OpenService error (code ', Code, ').'); Exit; end; pch := nil; if not StartService(hSvc, 0, pch) then begin CloseServiceHandle(hSvc); CloseServiceHandle(hSC); Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] StartService error (code ', Code, ').'); Exit; end; CloseServiceHandle(hSvc); CloseServiceHandle(hSC); end; procedure CheckTermsrvProcess; label back; var hSC: SC_HANDLE; dwNeedBytes, dwReturnBytes, dwResumeHandle, Code: DWORD; Svc: Array of ENUM_SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS; I: Integer; Found, Started: Boolean; TermServiceName: String; begin Started := False; back: hSC := OpenSCManager(nil, SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASE, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT or SC_MANAGER_ENUMERATE_SERVICE); if hSC = 0 then begin Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] OpenSCManager error (code ', Code, ').'); Halt(Code); end; SetLength(Svc, 1489); FillChar(Svc[0], sizeof(Svc[0])*Length(Svc), 0); if not EnumServicesStatusEx(hSC, SC_ENUM_PROCESS_INFO, SERVICE_WIN32, SERVICE_STATE_ALL, @Svc[0], sizeof(Svc[0])*Length(Svc), dwNeedBytes, dwReturnBytes, dwResumeHandle, nil) then begin Code := GetLastError; if Code <> ERROR_MORE_DATA then begin CloseServiceHandle(hSC); Writeln('[-] EnumServicesStatusEx error (code ', Code, ').'); Halt(Code); end else begin SetLength(Svc, 5957); FillChar(Svc[0], sizeof(Svc[0])*Length(Svc), 0); if not EnumServicesStatusEx(hSC, SC_ENUM_PROCESS_INFO, SERVICE_WIN32, SERVICE_STATE_ALL, @Svc[0], sizeof(Svc[0])*Length(Svc), dwNeedBytes, dwReturnBytes, dwResumeHandle, nil) then begin CloseServiceHandle(hSC); Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] EnumServicesStatusEx error (code ', Code, ').'); Halt(Code); end; end; end; CloseServiceHandle(hSC); Found := False; for I := 0 to Length(Svc) - 1 do begin if Svc[I].lpServiceName = nil then Break; if LowerCase(Svc[I].lpServiceName) = LowerCase(TermService) then begin Found := True; TermServiceName := Svc[I].lpServiceName; TermServicePID := Svc[I].ServiceStatusProcess.dwProcessId; Break; end; end; if not Found then begin Writeln('[-] TermService not found.'); Halt(ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST); end; if TermServicePID = 0 then begin if Started then begin Writeln('[-] Failed to set up TermService. Unknown error.'); Halt(ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE); end; SvcConfigStart(TermService, SERVICE_AUTO_START); SvcStart(TermService); Started := True; goto back; end else Writeln('[+] TermService found (pid ', TermServicePID, ').'); SetLength(ShareSvc, 0); for I := 0 to Length(Svc) - 1 do begin if Svc[I].lpServiceName = nil then Break; if Svc[I].ServiceStatusProcess.dwProcessId = TermServicePID then if Svc[I].lpServiceName <> TermServiceName then begin SetLength(ShareSvc, Length(ShareSvc)+1); ShareSvc[Length(ShareSvc)-1] := Svc[I].lpServiceName; end; end; sShareSvc := ''; for I := 0 to Length(ShareSvc) - 1 do if sShareSvc = '' then sShareSvc := ShareSvc[I] else sShareSvc := sShareSvc + ', ' + ShareSvc[I]; if sShareSvc <> '' then Writeln('[*] Shared services found: ', sShareSvc) else Writeln('[*] No shared services found.'); end; function AddPrivilege(SePriv: String): Boolean; var hToken: THandle; SeNameValue: Int64; tkp: TOKEN_PRIVILEGES; ReturnLength: Cardinal; ErrorCode: Cardinal; begin Result := False; if not OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES or TOKEN_QUERY, hToken) then begin ErrorCode := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] OpenProcessToken error (code ' + IntToStr(ErrorCode) + ').'); Exit; end; if not LookupPrivilegeValue(nil, PWideChar(SePriv), SeNameValue) then begin ErrorCode := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] LookupPrivilegeValue error (code ' + IntToStr(ErrorCode) + ').'); Exit; end; tkp.PrivilegeCount := 1; tkp.Privileges[0].Luid := SeNameValue; tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes := SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; if not AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, False, tkp, SizeOf(tkp), tkp, ReturnLength) then begin ErrorCode := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] AdjustTokenPrivileges error (code ' + IntToStr(ErrorCode) + ').'); Exit; end; Result := True; end; procedure KillProcess(PID: DWORD); var hProc: THandle; Code: DWORD; begin hProc := OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, False, PID); if hProc = 0 then begin Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] OpenProcess error (code ', Code, ').'); Halt(Code); end; if not TerminateProcess(hProc, 0) then begin CloseHandle(hProc); Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] TerminateProcess error (code ', Code, ').'); Halt(Code); end; CloseHandle(hProc); end; function ExecWait(Cmdline: String): Boolean; var si: STARTUPINFO; pi: PROCESS_INFORMATION; begin Result := False; ZeroMemory(@si, sizeof(si)); si.cb := sizeof(si); UniqueString(Cmdline); if not CreateProcess(nil, PWideChar(Cmdline), nil, nil, True, 0, nil, nil, si, pi) then begin Writeln('[-] CreateProcess error (code: ', GetLastError, ').'); Exit; end; CloseHandle(pi.hThread); WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); Result := True; end; function ExpandPath(Path: String): String; var Str: Array[0..511] of Char; begin Result := ''; FillChar(Str, 512, 0); if Arch = 64 then Path := StringReplace(Path, '%ProgramFiles%', '%ProgramW6432%', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); if ExpandEnvironmentStrings(PWideChar(Path), Str, 512) > 0 then Result := Str; end; procedure SetWrapperDll; var Reg: TRegistry; Code: DWORD; begin if Arch = 64 then Reg := TRegistry.Create(KEY_WRITE or KEY_WOW64_64KEY) else Reg := TRegistry.Create; Reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if not Reg.OpenKey('\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TermService\Parameters', True) then begin Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] OpenKey error (code ', Code, ').'); Halt(Code); end; try Reg.WriteExpandString('ServiceDll', WrapPath); if (Arch = 64) and (FV.Version.w.Major = 6) and (FV.Version.w.Minor = 0) then ExecWait('"'+ExpandPath('%SystemRoot%')+'\system32\reg.exe" add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TermService\Parameters /v ServiceDll /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "'+WrapPath+'" /f'); except Writeln('[-] WriteExpandString error.'); Halt(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); end; Reg.CloseKey; Reg.Free; end; procedure ResetServiceDll; var Reg: TRegistry; Code: DWORD; begin if Arch = 64 then Reg := TRegistry.Create(KEY_WRITE or KEY_WOW64_64KEY) else Reg := TRegistry.Create; Reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if not Reg.OpenKey('\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TermService\Parameters', True) then begin Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] OpenKey error (code ', Code, ').'); Halt(Code); end; try Reg.WriteExpandString('ServiceDll', '%SystemRoot%\System32\termsrv.dll'); except Writeln('[-] WriteExpandString error.'); Halt(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); end; Reg.CloseKey; Reg.Free; end; procedure ExtractRes(ResName, Path: String); var ResStream: TResourceStream; begin ResStream := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, ResName, RT_RCDATA); try ResStream.SaveToFile(Path); except Writeln('[-] Failed to extract file.'); Writeln('[*] Resource name: ' + ResName); Writeln('[*] Destination path: ' + Path); ResStream.Free; Exit; end; Writeln('[+] Extracted ', ResName, ' -> ', Path); ResStream.Free; end; procedure ExtractFiles; begin if not DirectoryExists(ExtractFilePath(ExpandPath(WrapPath))) then if ForceDirectories(ExtractFilePath(ExpandPath(WrapPath))) then Writeln('[+] Folder created: ', ExtractFilePath(ExpandPath(WrapPath))) else begin Writeln('[-] ForceDirectories error.'); Writeln('[*] Path: ', ExtractFilePath(ExpandPath(WrapPath))); Halt(0); end; case Arch of 32: begin ExtractRes('rdpw32', ExpandPath(WrapPath)); if not FileExists(ExpandPath('%SystemRoot%\System32\rdpclip.exe')) then ExtractRes('rdpclip32', ExpandPath('%SystemRoot%\System32\rdpclip.exe')); end; 64: begin ExtractRes('rdpw64', ExpandPath(WrapPath)); if not FileExists(ExpandPath('%SystemRoot%\System32\rdpclip.exe')) then ExtractRes('rdpclip64', ExpandPath('%SystemRoot%\System32\rdpclip.exe')); end; end; end; procedure DeleteFiles; var Code: DWORD; begin if not DeleteFile(PWideChar(ExpandPath(TermServicePath))) then begin Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] DeleteFile error (code ', Code, ').'); Exit; end; Writeln('[+] Removed file: ', ExpandPath(TermServicePath)); if not RemoveDirectory(PWideChar(ExtractFilePath(ExpandPath(TermServicePath)))) then begin Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] RemoveDirectory error (code ', Code, ').'); Exit; end; Writeln('[+] Removed folder: ', ExtractFilePath(ExpandPath(TermServicePath))); end; function GetFileVersion(const FileName: TFileName; var FileVersion: FILE_VERSION): Boolean; type VS_VERSIONINFO = record wLength, wValueLength, wType: Word; szKey: Array[1..16] of WideChar; Padding1: Word; Value: VS_FIXEDFILEINFO; Padding2, Children: Word; end; PVS_VERSIONINFO = ^VS_VERSIONINFO; const VFF_DEBUG = 1; VFF_PRERELEASE = 2; VFF_PRIVATE = 8; VFF_SPECIAL = 32; var hFile: HMODULE; hResourceInfo: HRSRC; VersionInfo: PVS_VERSIONINFO; begin Result := False; hFile := LoadLibraryEx(PWideChar(FileName), 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE); if hFile = 0 then Exit; hResourceInfo := FindResource(hFile, PWideChar(1), PWideChar($10)); if hResourceInfo = 0 then Exit; VersionInfo := Pointer(LoadResource(hFile, hResourceInfo)); if VersionInfo = nil then Exit; FileVersion.Version.dw := VersionInfo.Value.dwFileVersionMS; FileVersion.Release := Word(VersionInfo.Value.dwFileVersionLS shr 16); FileVersion.Build := Word(VersionInfo.Value.dwFileVersionLS); FileVersion.bDebug := (VersionInfo.Value.dwFileFlags and VFF_DEBUG) = VFF_DEBUG; FileVersion.bPrerelease := (VersionInfo.Value.dwFileFlags and VFF_PRERELEASE) = VFF_PRERELEASE; FileVersion.bPrivate := (VersionInfo.Value.dwFileFlags and VFF_PRIVATE) = VFF_PRIVATE; FileVersion.bSpecial := (VersionInfo.Value.dwFileFlags and VFF_SPECIAL) = VFF_SPECIAL; Result := True; end; procedure CheckTermsrvVersion; var SuppLvl: Byte; begin GetFileVersion(ExpandPath(TermServicePath), FV); Writeln('[*] Terminal Services version: ', Format('%d.%d.%d.%d', [FV.Version.w.Major, FV.Version.w.Minor, FV.Release, FV.Build])); if (FV.Version.w.Major = 5) and (FV.Version.w.Minor = 1) then begin if Arch = 32 then begin Writeln('[!] Windows XP is not supported.'); Writeln('You may take a look at RDP Realtime Patch by Stas''M for Windows XP'); Writeln('Link:'); end; if Arch = 64 then Writeln('[!] Windows XP 64-bit Edition is not supported.'); Exit; end; if (FV.Version.w.Major = 5) and (FV.Version.w.Minor = 2) then begin if Arch = 32 then Writeln('[!] Windows Server 2003 is not supported.'); if Arch = 64 then Writeln('[!] Windows Server 2003 or XP 64-bit Edition is not supported.'); Exit; end; SuppLvl := 0; if (FV.Version.w.Major = 6) and (FV.Version.w.Minor = 0) then begin SuppLvl := 1; if (Arch = 32) and (FV.Release = 6000) and (FV.Build = 16386) then begin Writeln('[!] This version of Terminal Services may crash on logon attempt.'); Writeln('It''s recommended to upgrade to Service Pack 1 or higher.'); end; if (FV.Release = 6000) and (FV.Build = 16386) then SuppLvl := 2; if (FV.Release = 6001) and (FV.Build = 18000) then SuppLvl := 2; if (FV.Release = 6002) and (FV.Build = 18005) then SuppLvl := 2; end; if (FV.Version.w.Major = 6) and (FV.Version.w.Minor = 1) then begin SuppLvl := 1; if (FV.Release = 7600) and (FV.Build = 16385) then SuppLvl := 2; if (FV.Release = 7601) and (FV.Build = 17514) then SuppLvl := 2; if (FV.Release = 7601) and (FV.Build = 18540) then SuppLvl := 2; if (FV.Release = 7601) and (FV.Build = 22750) then SuppLvl := 2; end; if (FV.Version.w.Major = 6) and (FV.Version.w.Minor = 2) then begin if (FV.Release = 8102) and (FV.Build = 0) then SuppLvl := 2; if (FV.Release = 8250) and (FV.Build = 0) then SuppLvl := 2; if (FV.Release = 8400) and (FV.Build = 0) then SuppLvl := 2; if (FV.Release = 9200) and (FV.Build = 16384) then SuppLvl := 2; if (FV.Release = 9200) and (FV.Build = 17048) then SuppLvl := 2; if (FV.Release = 9200) and (FV.Build = 21166) then SuppLvl := 2; end; if (FV.Version.w.Major = 6) and (FV.Version.w.Minor = 3) then begin if (FV.Release = 9431) and (FV.Build = 0) then SuppLvl := 2; if (FV.Release = 9600) and (FV.Build = 16384) then SuppLvl := 2; if (FV.Release = 9600) and (FV.Build = 17095) then SuppLvl := 2; end; if (FV.Version.w.Major = 6) and (FV.Version.w.Minor = 4) then begin if (FV.Release = 9841) and (FV.Build = 0) then SuppLvl := 2; end; case SuppLvl of 0: begin Writeln('[!] This version of Terminal Services is not supported.'); Writeln('Send your termsrv.dll to project developer for support.'); end; 1: begin Writeln('[!] This version of Terminal Services is supported partially.'); Writeln('It means you may have some limitations such as only 2 concurrent sessions.'); Writeln('Send your termsrv.dll to project developer for adding full support.'); end; end; end; procedure CheckTermsrvDependencies; const CertPropSvc = 'CertPropSvc'; SessionEnv = 'SessionEnv'; begin if SvcGetStart(CertPropSvc) = SERVICE_DISABLED then SvcConfigStart(CertPropSvc, SERVICE_DEMAND_START); if SvcGetStart(SessionEnv) = SERVICE_DISABLED then SvcConfigStart(SessionEnv, SERVICE_DEMAND_START); end; procedure TSConfigRegistry(Enable: Boolean); var Reg: TRegistry; Code: DWORD; begin if Arch = 64 then Reg := TRegistry.Create(KEY_WRITE or KEY_WOW64_64KEY) else Reg := TRegistry.Create; Reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if not Reg.OpenKey('\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server', True) then begin Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] OpenKey error (code ', Code, ').'); Halt(Code); end; try Reg.WriteBool('fDenyTSConnections', not Enable); except Writeln('[-] WriteBool error.'); Halt(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); end; Reg.CloseKey; if Enable then begin if not Reg.OpenKey('\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\Licensing Core', True) then begin Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] OpenKey error (code ', Code, ').'); Halt(Code); end; try Reg.WriteBool('EnableConcurrentSessions', True); except Writeln('[-] WriteBool error.'); Halt(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); end; Reg.CloseKey; if not Reg.OpenKey('\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon', True) then begin Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] OpenKey error (code ', Code, ').'); Halt(Code); end; try Reg.WriteBool('AllowMultipleTSSessions', True); except Writeln('[-] WriteBool error.'); Halt(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); end; Reg.CloseKey; if not Reg.KeyExists('\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\AddIns') then begin if not Reg.OpenKey('\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\AddIns', True) then begin Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] OpenKey error (code ', Code, ').'); Halt(Code); end; Reg.CloseKey; if not Reg.OpenKey('\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\AddIns\Clip Redirector', True) then begin Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] OpenKey error (code ', Code, ').'); Halt(Code); end; try Reg.WriteString('Name', 'RDPClip'); Reg.WriteInteger('Type', 3); except Writeln('[-] WriteInteger error.'); Halt(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); end; Reg.CloseKey; if not Reg.OpenKey('\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\AddIns\DND Redirector', True) then begin Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] OpenKey error (code ', Code, ').'); Halt(Code); end; try Reg.WriteString('Name', 'RDPDND'); Reg.WriteInteger('Type', 3); except Writeln('[-] WriteInteger error.'); Halt(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); end; Reg.CloseKey; if not Reg.OpenKey('\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\AddIns\Dynamic VC', True) then begin Code := GetLastError; Writeln('[-] OpenKey error (code ', Code, ').'); Halt(Code); end; try Reg.WriteInteger('Type', -1); except Writeln('[-] WriteInteger error.'); Halt(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); end; Reg.CloseKey; end; end; Reg.Free; end; procedure TSConfigFirewall(Enable: Boolean); begin if Enable then ExecWait('netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Remote Desktop" dir=in protocol=tcp localport=3389 profile=any action=allow') else ExecWait('netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="Remote Desktop"'); end; var I: Integer; begin Writeln('RDP Wrapper Library v1.3'); Writeln('Installer v2.2'); Writeln('Copyright (C) Stas''M Corp. 2014'); Writeln(''); if (ParamCount < 1) or ( (ParamStr(1) <> '-i') and (ParamStr(1) <> '-u') and (ParamStr(1) <> '-r') ) then begin Writeln('USAGE:'); Writeln('RDPWInst.exe [-i[-s]|-u|-r]'); Writeln(''); Writeln('-i install wrapper to Program Files folder (default)'); Writeln('-i -s install wrapper to System32 folder'); Writeln('-u uninstall wrapper'); Writeln('-r force restart Terminal Services'); Exit; end; if not SupportedArchitecture then begin Writeln('[-] Unsupported processor architecture.'); Exit; end; CheckInstall; if ParamStr(1) = '-i' then begin if Installed then begin Writeln('[*] RDP Wrapper Library is already installed.'); Halt(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); end; Writeln('[*] Installing...'); if ParamStr(2) = '-s' then WrapPath := '%SystemRoot%\system32\rdpwrap.dll' else WrapPath := '%ProgramFiles%\RDP Wrapper\rdpwrap.dll'; if Arch = 64 then DisableWowRedirection; CheckTermsrvVersion; CheckTermsrvProcess; Writeln('[*] Extracting files...'); ExtractFiles; Writeln('[*] Configuring service library...'); SetWrapperDll; Writeln('[*] Checking dependencies...'); CheckTermsrvDependencies; Writeln('[*] Terminating service...'); AddPrivilege('SeDebugPrivilege'); KillProcess(TermServicePID); Sleep(1000); if Length(ShareSvc) > 0 then for I := 0 to Length(ShareSvc) - 1 do SvcStart(ShareSvc[I]); Sleep(500); SvcStart(TermService); Sleep(500); Writeln('[*] Configuring registry...'); TSConfigRegistry(True); Writeln('[*] Configuring firewall...'); TSConfigFirewall(True); Writeln('[+] Successfully installed.'); if Arch = 64 then RevertWowRedirection; end; if ParamStr(1) = '-u' then begin if not Installed then begin Writeln('[*] RDP Wrapper Library is not installed.'); Halt(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); end; Writeln('[*] Uninstalling...'); if Arch = 64 then DisableWowRedirection; CheckTermsrvProcess; Writeln('[*] Resetting service library...'); ResetServiceDll; Writeln('[*] Terminating service...'); AddPrivilege('SeDebugPrivilege'); KillProcess(TermServicePID); Sleep(1000); Writeln('[*] Removing files...'); DeleteFiles; if Length(ShareSvc) > 0 then for I := 0 to Length(ShareSvc) - 1 do SvcStart(ShareSvc[I]); Sleep(500); SvcStart(TermService); Sleep(500); Writeln('[*] Configuring registry...'); TSConfigRegistry(False); Writeln('[*] Configuring firewall...'); TSConfigFirewall(False); if Arch = 64 then RevertWowRedirection; Writeln('[+] Successfully uninstalled.'); end; if ParamStr(1) = '-r' then begin Writeln('[*] Restarting...'); CheckTermsrvProcess; Writeln('[*] Terminating service...'); AddPrivilege('SeDebugPrivilege'); KillProcess(TermServicePID); Sleep(1000); if Length(ShareSvc) > 0 then for I := 0 to Length(ShareSvc) - 1 do SvcStart(ShareSvc[I]); Sleep(500); SvcStart(TermService); Writeln('[+] Done.'); end; end.