programming-examples/c++/Others/A simple program demonstrating the use of reference.cpp
2019-11-15 12:59:38 +01:00

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A simple program demonstrating the use of reference
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int Len, Wid; // declare int variables
// Create references to int variables.
// Now rLen and Len are aliases to each other,
// and rWid and Wid are also aliases to each other.
int &rLen = Len;
int &rWid = Wid;
// Initialized the two int variables
Len = 10; // rLen is also initialized to be 10
Wid = 20; // rWid is also initialized to be 20
// Printing out the values for int and int references
cout << "Len is: " << Len << ", and Wid is: " << Wid << endl;
cout << "rLen is: " << rLen << ", and rWid is: " << rWid << endl;
cout << endl;
// Printing out the address of int and references to int
cout << "Address of Len is: " << &Len << endl;
cout << "Address of rLen is: " << &rLen << endl;
if(&Len == &rLen)
cout << "Address of Len is equal to address of rLen!" << endl;
cout << "Address of Wid is: " << &Wid << endl;
cout << "Address of rWid is: " << &rWid << endl;
if(&Wid == &Wid)
cout << "Address of Wid is equal to address of rWid!" << endl;
return 0;