programming-examples/c++/Others/A Class as a Member Variable of Another Class.cpp
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A Class as a Member Variable of Another Class
This is an example of one object (the shape class implements a rectangle) being a member variable of another object (a brick).
Header File: shape.h
#ifndef _SHAPE_H
#define _SHAPE_H
class FRectangle
FRectangle(double l = 0, double w = 0)
: Length(l), Width(w) {}
void setLength(double lgt);
void setWidth(double wdt);
double getLength() const;
double getWidth() const;
double Perimeter() const;
double Area() const;
void Properties();
double Length;
double Width;
#endif // _SHAPE_H
Source File: shape.cpp
#include <iostream.h>
#include "shape.h"
void FRectangle::setLength(double lgt)
Length = lgt;
void FRectangle::setWidth(double wdt)
Width = wdt;
double FRectangle::getLength() const
return Length;
double FRectangle::getWidth() const
return Width;
double FRectangle::Perimeter() const
return 2 * (Length + Width);
double FRectangle::Area() const
return Length * Width;
void FRectangle::Properties()
cout << "\nRectangle characteristics";
cout << "\n\tLength = " << Length;
cout << "\n\tWidth = " << Width;
cout << "\n\tPerimeter = " << Perimeter();
cout << "\n\tArea = " << Area() << endl;
Header File: brick.h
#ifndef BRICK_H_
#define BRICK_H_
#include "shape.h"
class Brick
Brick() {}
void setThickness(double Tck);
void setDimensions(double l, double w, double t);
void setColor(char* clr);
void setTexture(char* txr);
char* getColor() const;
char* getTexture() const;
double Volume() const;
void Display();
FRectangle shape;
char* Color;
char* Texture;
double Thickness;
#endif // BRICK_H_
Source File: brick.cpp
#include <iostream.h>
#include "brick.h"
void Brick::setThickness(double Tck)
Thickness = Tck;
void Brick::setColor(char* clr)
Color = clr;
void Brick::setTexture(char* txr)
Texture = txr;
void Brick::setDimensions(double l, double w, double t)
char* Brick::getColor() const
return Color;
char* Brick::getTexture() const
return Texture;
double Brick::Volume() const
return shape.getLength() * shape.getWidth() * Thickness;
void Brick::Display()
cout << "\nBrick characteristics";
cout << "\n\tLength = " << shape.getLength();
cout << "\n\tWidth = " << shape.getWidth();
cout << "\n\tArea = " << shape.Area();
cout << "\n\tVolume = " << Volume();
cout << "\n\tColor = " << getColor();
cout << "\n\tTextture = " << getTexture();
cout << endl;
Main File: Exo.cpp
#include "shape.h"
#include "brick.h"
void main()
Brick brick;
brick.setDimensions(12.50, 8.75, 5.55);
brick.setColor("Bone White");
brick.setTexture("Early Breeze");
Here is an example of running the program:
Brick characteristics
Length = 12.5
Width = 8.75
Area = 109.375
Volume = 607.031
Color = Bone White
Textture = Early Breeze