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'Holds the original Number
Dim strNum
'Holds the new fixed number
Dim strNumFixed
'Get the ID usually an AutoNumber field,
' Just comment out or supply your own
strYourID = Request.QueryString("ID")
'Sets your connection, I used a system D
' SN in this example
Set Con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'Name of your DSN
Con = "YourDSN"
'Sets the RecordSet
Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
'Your SQL string, this will generate the
' Average Number "AS" Average all on the S
' erver
SQLString = "SELECT AVG(tblOfRecord.the_colum) AS Average FROM tblOfRecord WHERE "
SQLString = SQLString & "tblOfRecord.Your_ID='" & strYourID & "' "
'Open it all up
RS.Open SQLString,Con
'Get the Averaged number
strNum = RS("Average")
'Fix the number so you dont have a bunch
' of 2.3333333,this will display i.e 2.3
strNumFixed = FormatNumber(strNum,1)
'Display the Correct HTML for your numbe
' r, make it to how you wish.
Response.Write "<HTML>"
Response.Write "<HEAD>"
Response.Write "<TITLE>" & "AverageNumber" & "</TITLE>"
Response.Write "<META http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"">" 'Dont have To have this
Response.Write "</HEAD>"
Response.Write "<BODY bgcolor=""#FFFFFF"" text=""#000000"">"
Response.Write "<B>" & strNumFixed & "</B>"
Response.Write "</BODY>"
Response.Write "</HTML>"
' If you are looping through displaying
' more then one average then use the follo
' wing format
' add the same code as above except drop
' the
' strNum = RS("Average") and strNumFixed
' and formatnumber code
' Uncomment this code out
' IF NOT IsNull(RS("Average") ) THEN
' Response.Write "<b>" & FormatNum
' ber(RS("Average"),1) & "</b>"
' Response.Write "no average"
' RS.MoveNext
'And thats about it works pretty simple
' and alot less code