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GUID Generator - 26 Characters
'Generate 26 charcter Unique ID
Function GetUniqueId()
Dim strUniqueID, GUID
Dim iCount, strBinary, strUniqueChar
'Set GUID = Server.CreateObject("GuidMak
' r.GUID")
Set GUID = Server.CreateObject("GuidMakr.GUID")
strUniqueID = Trim(GUID.GetGUID) 'Returns something like E06019F5A31311D4902B00A0C9ECF1DF
'Remove -, { in the generated number
strUniqueID = Right(Left(Replace(strUniqueID, "-", ""), 33), 32)
'Convert to binary
strBinary = ""
For iCount = 1 To 32
strBinary = strBinary & ConvertHexToBin(Mid(strUniqueID, iCount, 1))
'make it to 130 bit number
strBinary = strBinary & "00"
'Regroup binary into 5bits and convert t
' o number
For iCount = 1 To 130 Step 5
strNo = (CInt(Mid(strBinary, iCount, 1)) * 16) + (CInt(Mid(strBinary, iCount + 1, 1)) * 8) + (CInt(Mid(strBinary, iCount + 2, 1)) * 4) + (CInt(Mid(strBinary, iCount + 3, 1)) * 2) + (CInt(Mid(strBinary, iCount + 4, 1)))
'If greater than 9 convert the number To alphabet. Where A maps to 10
If strNo > 9 Then
strChar = Chr(strNo + 56)
strChar = CStr(strNo)
End If
strUniqueChar = strUniqueChar & strChar
GetUniqueId = strUniqueChar 'Something like T1H1KUE32D8U941C02HDKS7IST
End Function
Function ConvertHexToBin(strHex)
Dim strBin
Select Case UCase(strHex)
Case "0"
strBin = "0000"
Case "1"
strBin = "0001"
Case "2"
strBin = "0010"
Case "3"
strBin = "0011"
Case "4"
strBin = "0100"
Case "5"
strBin = "0101"
Case "6"
strBin = "0110"
Case "7"
strBin = "0111"
Case "8"
strBin = "1000"
Case "9"
strBin = "1001"
Case "A"
strBin = "1010"
Case "B"
strBin = "1011"
Case "C"
strBin = "1100"
Case "D"
strBin = "1101"
Case "E"
strBin = "1110"
Case "F"
strBin = "1111"
Case Else
strBin = ""
End Select
ConvertHexToBin = strBin
End Function