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Function weeknummer (iYear, iMonth, iDay)
dim thursdayofweek
dim firstthursdayofyear
dim MyDay
dim dayofWeek
dim thursdaysyear
MyDay = DateSerial(iYear, iMonth, iDay)
dayofWeek = Weekday(MyDay)
if dayofWeek = 1 then
thursdayofweek = dateadd("d", -3 , MyDay)
thursdayofweek = dateadd("d",(5 - dayofWeek), MyDay)
end if
thursdaysyear = Year( thursdayofweek )
firstthursdayofyear = first_thursday_of_year (thursdaysyear)
weeknummer = (datediff("ww", firstthursdayofyear ,thursdayofweek) + 1)
end Function
function first_thursday_of_year (iYear)
dim first_jan
dim dayofWeek
first_jan = DateSerial(iYear, 1, 1)
dayofWeek = Weekday(first_jan)
select case dayofweek
case 1 first_thursday_of_year = dateadd("d", 4 ,first_jan)
case 2 first_thursday_of_year = dateadd("d", 3 ,first_jan)
case 3 first_thursday_of_year = dateadd("d", 2 ,first_jan)
case 4 first_thursday_of_year = dateadd("d", 1 ,first_jan)
case 5 first_thursday_of_year = first_jan
case 6 first_thursday_of_year = dateadd("d", 6 ,first_jan)
case 7 first_thursday_of_year = dateadd("d", 5 ,first_jan)
End Select
end function