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45 lines
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Dim strExt
Dim myValue
Dim strNothing
Dim strBuild
Dim i
Dim iValue
Set myValue = GetObject("IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC/1/root")
'Returns an array multi valued list
'Puts the values in a local array variable myArray
myArray = myValue.Get("ScriptMaps")
'Loops through building a string
'based on myArray list of values
For i = 0 To UBound(myArray)
iValue = InStr(myArray(i), ",")
strExt = Left(myArray(i), iValue - 1)
Select Case strExt
Case ".idq", ".ida", ".printer", ".htw", ".htr"
'Builds a bogus string of un-needed mappings
strNothing = strNothing & myArray(i)
Case Else
'Builds a string of mappings with
'the # as the delimiter
strBuild = strBuild & myArray(i) & "#"
End Select
'Returns a 1-dimensinonal array based
'on the string i build existing values
strBuild = Split(strBuild, "#")
'Clears current Script Mappings in the metabase
myValue.Put "ScriptMaps", vbNull
'Inserts values without un-needed mappings into metabase
myValue.Put "ScriptMaps", strBuild
Set myValue = Nothing