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Sort arrays
'--------Begin Function----
Function fnSort(aSort, intAsc)
Dim intTempStore
Dim i, j
For i = 0 To UBound(aSort) - 1
For j = i To UBound(aSort)
'Sort Ascending
If intAsc = 1 Then
If aSort(i) > aSort(j) Then
intTempStore = aSort(i)
aSort(i) = aSort(j)
aSort(j) = intTempStore
End If 'i > j
'Sort Descending
If aSort(i) < aSort(j) Then
intTempStore = aSort(i)
aSort(i) = aSort(j)
aSort(j) = intTempStore
End If 'i < j
End If 'intAsc = 1
Next 'j
Next 'i
fnSort = aSort
End Function 'fnSort
Dim aUnSort(3), aSorted
aUnSort(0) = 4
aUnSort(1) = 2
aUnSort(2) = 6
aUnSort(3) = 20
'call the function
'second argument:
' * ascending sorted = 1
' * descending sorting = any other chara
' cter
aSorted = fnSort(aUnSort, 1)
Erase aUnSort