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Class Program
Public Description, ClsID, ProgID, Path, TypeLib, Version, DLLName
End Class
Class ProgIDInfo
Private WshShell, sCVProgID, oFSO
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
On Error Resume Next
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
If IsObject(WshShell) Then Set WshShell = Nothing
If IsObject(oFSO) Then Set oFSO = Nothing
End Sub
Private Function IIf(ByVal conditions, ByVal trueval, ByVal falseval)
If CBool(conditions) Then IIf = trueval Else IIf = falseval
End Function
Public Function LoadProgID(ByVal sProgramID)
Dim sTmpProg, oTmp, sRegBase, sDesc, sClsID
Dim sPath, sTypeLib, sProgID, sVers, sPathSpec
If IsObject(WshShell) Then
On Error Resume Next
sCVProgID = WshShell.RegRead("HKCR" & _
sProgramID & "CurVer")
sTmpProg = IIf(Err.number = 0, sCVProgID, sProgramID)
sRegBase = "HKCR" & sTmpProg
sDesc = WshShell.RegRead(sRegBase & "")
sClsID = WshShell.RegRead(sRegBase & "clsid")
sRegBase = "HKCRCLSID" & sClsID
sPath = WshShell.RegRead(sRegBase & "InprocServer32")
sPath = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(sPath)
sTypeLib = WshShell.RegRead(sRegBase & "TypeLib")
sProgID = WshShell.RegRead(sRegBase & "ProgID")
sVers = oFSO.getFileVersion(sPath)
sPathSpec = Right(sPath, Len(sPath) - _
InStrRev(sPath, ""))
Set oTmp = New Program
oTmp.Description = sDesc
oTmp.ClsID = IIf(sClsID <> "", sClsID, "undetermined")
oTmp.Path = IIf(sPath <> "", sPath, "undetermined")
oTmp.TypeLib = IIf(sTypeLib <> "", _
sTypeLib, "undetermined")
oTmp.ProgID = IIf(sProgID <> "", _
sProgID, "undetermined")
oTmp.DLLName = IIf(sPathSpec <> "", _
sPathSpec, "undetermined")
oTmp.Version = IIf(sVers <> "", sVers, "undetermined")
Set LoadProgID = oTmp
Set LoadProgID = Nothing
End If
End Function
End Class