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programming-examples/perl/XML/Register handlers to SAX pa...

52 lines
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use XML::Parser;
$currentLine = 0;
$parser = new XML::Parser(Handlers => {Start => \&start_handler,
End => \&end_handler,
Char => \&char_handler,
Proc => \&proc_handler,
XMLDecl => \&XMLDecl_handler,
Final => \&final_handler});
sub XMLDecl_handler
$xmlString[$currentLine++] = "<?xml version=\"$_[1]\"?>";
sub start_handler
$xmlString[$currentLine] = $indent . "<$_[1]";
for ($i = 2; $i <= $#_ - 1; $i += 2){
$xmlString[$currentLine] .= " " . $_[$i] . "=\"". $_[$i + 1] . "\"";
$xmlString[$currentLine++] .= ">";
$indent .= " ";
sub end_handler
$indent = substr($indent, 0, length($indent) - 4);
$xmlString[$currentLine++] = $indent . "</$_[1]>";
sub char_handler
if($_[1] =~ /[^ \n\t\r]/g) {
$xmlString[$currentLine++] = $indent . "$_[1]";
sub proc_handler
$xmlString[$currentLine++] = "<?$_[1] $_[2]?>";
sub final_handler
for ($i = 0; $i < $currentLine; $i++){
print $xmlString[$i] . "\n";