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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use warnings;
use strict;
use POSIX qw(O_RDWR O_CREAT O_EXCL tmpnam);
use Sys::Hostname; # for 'hostname'
die "Simple anonymous FTP command line client\n Usage: $0 <server> <command>\n" unless scalar(@ARGV)>=2;
my ($ftp_server,@ftp_command)=@ARGV;
my $ftp_resultfile;
do {
$ftp_resultfile = tmpnam();
sysopen FTP_RESULT, $ftp_resultfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL;
} until (defined fileno(FTP_RESULT));
if (open (FTP, "|ftp -n > $ftp_resultfile 2>&1")) {
print "Client running, sending command\n";
print FTP "open $ftp_server\n";
my $email=getlogin.'@'.hostname;
print FTP "user anonymous $email\n";
print FTP "@ftp_command\n";
close FTP;
} else {
die "Failed to run client: $!\n";
print "waiting for response\n";
my @ftp_results = <FTP_RESULT>;
unlink $ftp_resultfile;
print "Done\n";
sub check_result {
return unless @_;
print "Response:\n";
print "\t$_" foreach @_;