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programming-examples/c/String/C program to accept a strin...

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* C program to accept a string and find the number of times the word
* 'the' appears in that string
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
int count = 0, i, times = 0, t, h, e, space;
char string[100];
puts("Enter a string:");
/* Traverse the string to count the number of characters */
while (string[count] != '')
/* Finding the frequency of the word 'the' */
for (i = 0; i <= count - 3; i++)
t =(string[i] == 't' || string[i] == 'T');
h =(string[i + 1] == 'h' || string[i + 1] == 'H');
e =(string[i + 2] == 'e'|| string[i + 2] == 'E');
space =(string[i + 3] == ' ' || string[i + 3] == '');
if ((t && h && e && space) == 1) times++;
printf("Frequency of the word 'the' is %d
", times);
Enter a string:
The gandhi jayanthi is celeberated on october 2 is the day
that he has born.
Frequency of the word 'the' is 2