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programming-examples/c/Matirix/C Program to find the spars...

31 lines
720 B

#include <stdio.h>
void main ()
static int m1[10][10];
int i,j,m,n;
int counter=0;
printf ("Enter the order of the matix\n");
scanf ("%d %d",&m,&n);
printf ("Enter the co-efficients of the matix\n");
for (i=0;i<m;++i)
for (j=0;j<n;++j)
scanf ("%d",&m1[i][j]);
if (m1[i][j]==0)
printf ("The given matrix is sparse matrix \n");
else {
printf ("The given matrix is not a sparse matrix \n");
printf ("There are %d number of zeros",counter);
} /* ENd of main() */