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Michael Reber 8c9a19ec97 Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
1. How to create a user on localhost.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
2. How to create a user for an IP address other than localhost.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
3. How to grant permission to a user to select only from localhost.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
4. How to grant a user permission to create, insert, update, delete and create temporary tables from localhost.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
5. How to grant a user permission to create, insert, update, delete and create temporary tables from any host.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
6. How to grant a user permission to select only from any host but to a specific table of a database.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
7. How to grant all privileges to a user from all machines.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
8. How to revoke all privileges from a user.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
9. How to revoke specific privilege from a user.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
10. How to check permissions granted to a specific user.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
11. How to check the list of system privileges that the MySQL server supports.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
12. How to Grant permission to a user so that (s)he can execute not more than a specific number of queries in an hour.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
13. How to Grant permission to a user so that (s)he can execute not more than a specific number of queries in an hour.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
14. How to delete user.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
15. How to rename a user.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
16. How to create a user and granting no privileges.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago