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Michael Reber 8c9a19ec97 Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a SQL query to calculate the average price of all products of the manufacturer which code is l6.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a SQL query to display the Nobel prizes for 1970.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a SQL query to display the average price of the items for each company, showing only the company code.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a SQL query to display the year and subject that won 'Dennis Gabor' his prize.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a SQL query to find all details of the prize won by Johannes Georg Bednorz.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a SQL query to find all the details of 1970 winners by the ordered to subject and winner name; but the list contain the subject Economics and Chemistry at last.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a SQL query to find all the products with a price between Rs.200 and Rs.600.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a SQL query to find the item name and price in Rs.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a SQL query to find the name and price of the cheapest item.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a SQL query to give the name of the 'Physics' winners since the year 1950.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a SQL query to know the winner of the 1971 prize for Literature.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a SQL query to show all details of the Prime Ministerial winners after 1972 of Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Rabin.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a SQL query to show all the details (year, subject, winner, country ) of the Chemistry prize winners between the year 1965 to 1975 inclusive.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a SQL query to show all the details of the winners with first name Louis.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a SQL query to show all the winners in Physics for 1970 together with the winner of Economics for 1971.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a SQL query to show all the winners of nobel prize in the year 1970 except the subject Physiology and Economics.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a SQL query to show the winners of a 'Physiology' prize in an early year before 1971 together with winners of a 'Peace' prize in a later year on and after the 1974.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a SQL statement to display all the information for those customers with a grade of 200.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a query in SQL to display all the data of employees that work in the department 57.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a query in SQL to find the data of employees whose last name is 'Snares'.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a query in SQL to find the last name of all employees, without duplicates.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a query to display a string This is SQL Exercise, Practice and Solution.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a query to display all the columns from salesman table.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a query to display names and city of salesman, who belongs to the city of Paris.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a query to display only name and commission from table salesman.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a query to display salesman_id, salesman name, order date, order no, and purchase amount from orders table.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a query to display sum of two numbers 10 and 15.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a query to display the result of an arithmetic simplification.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a query to display three numbers in three columns.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a query which will retrieve the values of salesman id of all salesmen, getting orders from the customers in orders table without any repeats.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago
Write a sql query to display the order number followed by order date and the purchase amount for each order which will be delivered by the salesman who is holding the ID 5001.sql Adding SQL query language 5 years ago