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programming-examples/r/Scare the hell out of child...

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# Goals: Scare the hell out of children with the Cauchy distribution.
# A function which simulates N draws from one of two distributions,
# and returns the mean obtained thusly.
one.simulation <- function(N=100, distribution="normal") {
if (distribution == "normal") {
x <- rnorm(N)
} else {
x <- rcauchy(N)
k1 <- density(replicate(1000, one.simulation(20)))
k2 <- density(replicate(1000, one.simulation(20, distribution="cauchy")))
xrange <- range(k1$x, k2$x)
plot(k1$x, k1$y, xlim=xrange, type="l", xlab="Estimated value", ylab="")
lines(k2$x, k2$y, col="red")
legend(x="topleft", bty="n",
col=c("black", "red"),
legend=c("Mean of Normal", "Mean of Cauchy"))
# The distribution of the mean of normals collapses into a point;
# that of the cauchy does not.
# Here's more scary stuff --
for (i in 1:10) {
cat("Sigma of distribution of 1000 draws from mean of normal - ",
sd(replicate(1000, one.simulation(20))), "\n")
for (i in 1:10) {
cat("Sigma of distribution of 1000 draws from mean of cauchy - ",
sd(replicate(1000, one.simulation(20, distribution="cauchy"))), "\n")
# Exercise for the reader: Compare the distribution of the median of
# the Normal against the distribution of the median of the Cauchy.