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programming-examples/r/Make a time-series object u...

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# Goal: Make a time-series object using the "zoo" package
A <- data.frame(date=c("1995-01-01", "1995-01-02", "1995-01-03", "1995-01-06"),
A$date <- as.Date(A$date) # yyyy-mm-dd is the default format
# So far there's nothing new - it's just a data frame. I have hand-
# constructed A but you could equally have obtained it using read.table().
# I want to make a zoo matrix out of the numerical columns of A
B <- A
B$date <- NULL
z <- zoo(as.matrix(B),$date)
rm(A, B)
# So now you are holding "z", a "zoo" object. You can do many cool
# things with it.
# See
# To drop down to a plain data matrix, say
C <- coredata(z)
rownames(C) <- as.character(time(z))
# Compare --
# The above is a tedious way of doing these things, designed to give you
# an insight into what is going on. If you just want to read a file
# into a zoo object, a very short path is something like:
# z <- read.zoo(filename, format="%d %b %Y")