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# Python Program to display the powers of 2 using anonymous function
# Change this value for a different result
terms = 10
# Uncomment to take number of terms from user
#terms = int(input("How many terms? "))
# use anonymous function
result = list(map(lambda x: 2 ** x, range(terms)))
# display the result
print("The total terms is:",terms)
for i in range(terms):
print("2 raised to power",i,"is",result[i])
The total terms is: 10
2 raised to power 0 is 1
2 raised to power 1 is 2
2 raised to power 2 is 4
2 raised to power 3 is 8
2 raised to power 4 is 16
2 raised to power 5 is 32
2 raised to power 6 is 64
2 raised to power 7 is 128
2 raised to power 8 is 256
2 raised to power 9 is 512