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14 lines
515 B

use Tk;
my $main = MainWindow->new;
$button1 = $main->Button(-text => 'Click Me!')->place(-x => 0, -y => 0);
$button1 = $main->Button(-text => 'Click Me!')->place(-x => 30, -y => 30);
$button1 = $main->Button(-text => 'Click Me!')->place(-x => 60, -y => 60);
$button1 = $main->Button(-text => 'Click Me!')->place(-x => 90, -y => 90);
$button1 = $main->Button(-text => 'Click Me!')->place(-x => 120, -y => 120);
$button1 = $main->Button(-text => 'Click Me!')->place(-x => 150, -y => 150);