You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

80 lines
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#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use Tk;
use strict;
require Tk::BrowseEntry;
my $mw = MainWindow->new(-title => 'Font Viewer');
my $f = $mw->Frame->pack(-side => 'top');
my $family = 'Courier';
my $be = $f->BrowseEntry(
-label => "Family:",
-variable => \$family,
-browsecmd => \&apply_font,
)->pack(-fill => 'x', -side => 'left');
$be->insert('end', sort $mw->fontFamilies);
my $size = 24;
my $bentry = $f->BrowseEntry(
-label => 'Size',
-variable => \$size,
-browsecmd => \&apply_font,
)->pack(-side => 'left');
$bentry->insert('end', (3 .. 32));
my $weight = "normal";
-onvalue => "bold",
-offvalue => "normal",
-text => "Weight",
-variable => \$weight,
-command => \&apply_font,
)->pack(-side => 'left');
my $slant = "roman";
-onvalue => "italic",
-offvalue => "roman",
-text => "Slant",
-variable => \$slant,
-command => \&apply_font,
)->pack(-side => 'left');
my $underline = 0;
-text => "Underline",
-variable => \$underline,
-command => \&apply_font,
)->pack(-side => 'left');
my $overstrike = 0;
-text => "Overstrike",
-variable => \$overstrike,
-command => \&apply_font,
)->pack(-side => 'left');
my $stext = "";
my $sample = $mw->Entry(-textvariable => \$stext)->pack(-fill => 'x');
sub apply_font {
$sample->configure(-font =>
[-family => $family,
-size => $size,
-weight => $weight,
-slant => $slant,
-underline => $underline,
-overstrike => $overstrike