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<TITLE>Navigation Bar - Happy Codings :-) C++, C#, HTML, Java, JavaScript Code Examples</TITLE>
<!-- start
function goNext() {
var currOffset = parseInt(parent.currTitle)
if (currOffset < 5) {
currOffset += 1
parent.entryForms.location.href = "dh" + currOffset + ".htm"
parent.instructions.location.hash = "help" + currOffset
} else {
alert("This is the last form.")
function goPrev() {
var currOffset = parseInt(parent.currTitle)
if (currOffset > 1) {
currOffset -= 1
parent.entryForms.location.href = "dh" + currOffset + ".htm"
parent.instructions.location.hash = "help" + currOffset
} else {
alert("This is the first form.")
// end -->
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<MAP NAME="navigation">
<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="25,80,66,116" HREF="javascript:goNext()">
<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="24,125,67,111" HREF="javascript:goPrev()">
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