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Michael Reber b880c3ccde Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function that accept a list of country names as input and returns the longest country name as output..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function that accepts a number as a parameter and check the number is prime or not..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function that accepts a string as a parameter and converts the first letter of each word of the string in upper case..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function that accepts a string as a parameter and counts the number of vowels within the string..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function that accepts a string as a parameter and find the longest word within the string..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function that accepts two arguments, a string and a letter and the function will count the number of occurrences of the specified letter within the string..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function that checks whether a passed string is palindrome or not.js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function that generates a string id (specified length) of random characters..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function that generates all combinations of a string..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function that returns a passed string with letters in alphabetical order..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function that returns array elements larger than a number..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function that returns the longest palindrome in a given string..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function that reverse a number..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function to apply Bubble Sort algorithm..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function to compute the factors of a positive integer..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function to compute the value of bn where n is the exponent and b is the bases. Accept b and n from the user and display the result..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function to convert an amount to coins..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function to extract unique characters from a string..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function to find longest substring in a given a string without repeating characters..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function to find the first not repeated character..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function to get all possible subset with a fixed length (for example 2) combinations in an array..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function to get the function name..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function to get the number of occurrences of each letter in specified string..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function which accepts an argument and returns the type..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function which returns the n rows by n columns identity matrix..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function which says whether a number is perfect..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript function which will take an array of numbers stored and find the second lowest and second greatest numbers, respectively..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a JavaScript program to pass a 'JavaScript function' as parameter..js Initial commit 5 years ago
Write a function for searching JavaScript arrays with a binary search..js Initial commit 5 years ago