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package com.ack.util;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* utility class for perform Http related functions
public class HttpUtils {
* perform an Http POST to the supplied urlString with the supplied
* requestHeaders and formParameters
* @return String the response contents
* @param urlString the URL to post to
* @param requestHeaders a Map of the request headernames and values to
* be placed into the request
* @param formParameters a Map of form parameters and values to be placed
* into the request
* @throws MalformedURLException reports problems with the urlString
* @throws ProtocolException reports problems performing Http POST
* @throws IOException reports I/O sending and/or retrieving data over Http
public static String postForm( String urlString,
Map requestHeaders,
Map formParameters )
throws MalformedURLException, ProtocolException, IOException {
return post( urlString, requestHeaders, formParameters, null );
* perform an Http POST to the supplied urlString with the supplied
* requestHeaders and contents
* @return String the response contents
* @param urlString the URL to post to
* @param requestHeaders a Map of the request headernames and values to
* be placed into the request
* @param contents the contents of the HTTP request
* @throws MalformedURLException reports problems with the urlString
* @throws ProtocolException reports problems performing Http POST
* @throws IOException reports I/O sending and/or retrieving data over Http
public static String postContents( String urlString,
Map requestHeaders,
String contents )
throws MalformedURLException, ProtocolException, IOException {
return post( urlString, requestHeaders, null, contents );
* perform an Http POST to the supplied urlString with the supplied
* requestHeaders and formParameters
* @return String the response contents
* @param urlString the URL to post to
* @param requestHeaders a Map of the request headernames and values to
* be placed into the request
* @param formParameters a Map of form parameters and values to be placed
* into the request
* @param contents the contents of the HTTP request
* @throws MalformedURLException reports problems with the urlString
* @throws ProtocolException reports problems performing Http POST
* @throws IOException reports I/O sending and/or retrieving data over Http
public static String post( String urlString,
Map requestHeaders,
Map formParameters,
String requestContents )
throws MalformedURLException, ProtocolException, IOException {
// open url connection
URL url = new URL( urlString );
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
// set up url connection to post information and
// retrieve information back
con.setRequestMethod( "POST" );
con.setDoInput( true );
con.setDoOutput( true );
// add all the request headers
if( requestHeaders != null ) {
Set headers = requestHeaders.keySet();
for( Iterator it = headers.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
String headerName = (String);
String headerValue = (String) requestHeaders.get( headerName );
con.setRequestProperty( headerName, headerValue );
// add url form parameters
DataOutputStream ostream = null;
try {
ostream = new DataOutputStream( con.getOutputStream() );
if( formParameters != null ) {
Set parameters = formParameters.keySet();
Iterator it = parameters.iterator();
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
for( int i = 0, paramCount = 0; it.hasNext(); i++ ) {
String parameterName = (String);
String parameterValue = (String) formParameters.get( parameterName );
if( parameterValue != null ) {
parameterValue = URLEncoder.encode( parameterValue );
if( paramCount > 0 ) {
buf.append( "&" );
buf.append( parameterName );
buf.append( "=" );
buf.append( parameterValue );
System.out.println( "adding post parameters: " + buf.toString() );
ostream.writeBytes( buf.toString() );
if( requestContents != null ) {
ostream.writeBytes( requestContents );
finally {
if( ostream != null ) {
Object contents = con.getContent();
InputStream is = (InputStream) contents;
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
int c;
while( ( c = ) != -1 ) {
buf.append( (char) c );
return buf.toString();