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import java.util.*;
// Based on
public class CoverTree {
static double dist(Node p1, Node p2) {
double dx = p1.x - p2.x;
double dy = p1.y - p2.y;
return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
static final int levels = 64;
double[] layerRadius = new double[levels];
public CoverTree() {
layerRadius[0] = 1 << 30;
for (int i = 1; i < layerRadius.length; i++)
layerRadius[i] = layerRadius[i - 1] / 2;
Node root;
static class Node {
double x, y;
List<Node>[] children = new List[levels];
int maxChildLevel = 0;
public void addChild(Node node, int level) {
if (children[level] == null)
children[level] = new ArrayList<>(1);
maxChildLevel = Math.max(maxChildLevel, level);
public List<Node> getChildren(int level) {
return children[level] != null ? children[level] : Collections.<Node>emptyList();
public Node(double x, double y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public void insert(Node p) {
if (root == null)
root = p;
insert(p, Arrays.asList(root), 0);
boolean insert(Node p, List<Node> Qi, int level) {
Node parent = null;
List<Node> nQi = new ArrayList<>();
for (Node q : Qi) {
if (dist(p, q) <= layerRadius[level]) {
parent = q;
if (parent == null) // separation holds
return true;
for (Node q : Qi)
for (Node ch : q.getChildren(level))
if (dist(p, ch) <= layerRadius[level])
if (insert(p, nQi, level + 1))
parent.addChild(p, level);
return false;
double bestDist;
Node bestNode;
public Node findNearest(Node p) {
bestDist = p != root ? dist(p, root) : Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
bestNode = p != root ? root : null;
findNearest(p, Arrays.asList(root), 0);
return bestNode;
void findNearest(Node p, List<Node> Qi, int level) {
for (; !Qi.isEmpty(); level++) {
List<Node> Q = new ArrayList<>();
for (Node q : Qi) {
for (Node ch : q.getChildren(level)) {
if (ch != p) {
double dist = dist(p, ch);
if (bestDist > dist) {
bestDist = dist;
bestNode = ch;
Qi = new ArrayList<>();
for (Node q : Q)
if (q.maxChildLevel > level && dist(p, q) <= bestDist + layerRadius[level])
// Usage example
public static void main(String[] args) {
CoverTree tree = new CoverTree();
tree.insert(new Node(1, 1));
tree.insert(new Node(2, 2));
Node p = tree.findNearest(new Node(1.6, 1.6));
System.out.println(2 == p.x && 2 == p.y);