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NQueens Problem
class nQueens {
static int N = 8;
static int numSolutions = 0;
static boolean safe(int row, int column, int[] board) {
// Check whether it is safe to place a queen at row, column;
// i.e., is board[column]=row a safe configuration?
for (int j=1; j if (board[column-j] == row ||
board[column-j] == row-j ||
board[column-j] == row+j) {
return false;
return true;
static void place(int column, int[] board) {
// Place a queen in all safe positions of column c,
// then try placing a queen in the next column.
// If a position in column N is safe, print the board.
for (int row = 1; row <= N; row++) {
board[column] = row;
if (safe(row, column, board)) {
if (column==N) numSolutions++; // we have a solution
else place(column+1, board); // try next column
board[column] = 0; // unrecord that a queen was placed
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("nQueens loaded");
try { // override default from command line argument if any
N = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
System.out.println("nQueens: N=" + N);
int[] board = new int[N+1]; // N+1 since we need board[1]...board[N]
place(1, board);
System.out.println("nQueens: numSolutions=" + numSolutions);
System.out.println("nQueens done");
/* ............... Example compile and run(s)
D:\>java nQueens
nQueens loaded
nQueens: N=8
nQueens: numSolutions=92
nQueens done
D:\>java nQueens 10
nQueens loaded
nQueens: N=10
nQueens: numSolutions=724
nQueens done
... end of example run(s) */