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import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Movement {
double move[][]; // move = { {t0,y0}, {t1,y1}, ..., {tn, yn} }
Matrix HermiteMatrix = new Matrix();
double fourIn[][]; // four[i] = { p1, p4, r1, r4 }
double fourOut[][]; // four[i] = { a, b, c, d }
double slope_at_time[];
int innerI;
double t;
public Movement(double move[][]) {
this.move = move;
// calculate p1, p4, r1, r4
innerI = move.length-1;
fourIn = new double[innerI][4];
fourOut = new double[innerI][4];
slope_at_time = new double[innerI+1];
slope_at_time[innerI] = 2.0 * (move[innerI][1]-move[innerI-1][1]) / (move[innerI][0]-move[innerI-1][0]);
for (int i=0; i<innerI; i++) {
fourIn[i][0] = move[i][1];
fourIn[i][1] = move[i+1][1];
if (i == 0) {
slope_at_time[i] = 2.0 * (move[i+1][1]-move[i][1]) / (move[i+1][0]-move[i][0]);
} else {
slope_at_time[i] = (move[i+1][1]-move[i-1][1]) / (move[i+1][0]-move[i-1][0]);
fourIn[i][2] = slope_at_time[i] / (move[i+1][0]-move[i][0]);
fourIn[i][3] = slope_at_time[i+1] / (move[i+1][0]-move[i][0]);
public double getMove(double time) {
double thisMove = 0;
for (int i=0; i<innerI; i++) {
if (time <= move[i+1][0] && time > move[i][0]) {
t = (time-move[i][0]) / (move[i+1][0]-move[i][0]);
// System.out.println("t is: "+t);
thisMove = fourOut[i][0]*Math.pow(t,3) + fourOut[i][1]*Math.pow(t,2) + fourOut[i][2]*t + fourOut[i][3];
return thisMove;