You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Simple Mathematical Calculations
// Exercise 3.12 Solution:
// Given two doubles as input, the program determines if the first// is a multiple of the second.
// Java core packages
import java.awt.Graphics; // import class Graphics
// Java extension packages
import javax.swing.*; // import package javax.swing
public class Multiples extends JApplet {
String result; // output display String
// initialize applet by obtaining values from user
public void init()
String firstNumber; // first String entered by user
String secondNumber; // second String entered by user
double number1; // first number to compare
double number2; // second number to compare
// read first number from user as a String
firstNumber =
JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter first floating-point number:" );
// read second number from user as a String
secondNumber =
JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter second floating-point number:" );
// convert numbers from type String to type double
number1 = Double.parseDouble( firstNumber );
number2 = Double.parseDouble( secondNumber );
if ( number1 % number2 == 0 )
result = number1 + " is a multiple of " + number2;
if ( number1 % number2 != 0 )
result = number1 + " is not a multiple of " + number2;
} // end method init
// draw results on applet's background
public void paint( Graphics g )
// draw result as a String at (25, 25)
g.drawString( result, 25, 25 );
} // end method paint
} // end class OddEven