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package com.jwetherell.algorithms.strings;
* Rotation of the string is some cyclic transformation of that string.
* More formally a string s = uv is said to be a rotation of t if t = vu.
* <p>
* <br>
* @Author Szymon Stankiewicz <>
* @author Justin Wetherell <>
public class Rotation {
private static char charAt(String text, int pos) {
pos = pos % text.length();
return text.charAt(pos);
private static int compare(char a, char b, boolean greater) {
if (a == b)
return 0;
return (a < b) ^ greater ? -1 : 1;
private static String bestRotation(String text, boolean greatest) {
if (text.length() < 2)
return text;
final int n = text.length() * 2;
int k = 0;
int i = 0, j = 1;
while (i + k < n && j + k < n) {
final char a = charAt(text, i+k);
final char b = charAt(text, j+k);
final int comp = compare(a, b, greatest);
if (comp == 0) {
} else if (comp > 0) {
i += k+1;
if (i <= j )
i = j + 1;
k = 0;
} else {
j += k+1;
if (j <= i)
j = i + 1;
k = 0;
final int pos = i < j ? i : j;
return text.substring(pos) + text.substring(0, pos);
* Finds lexicographically minimal string rotation.
* Lexicographically minimal string rotation is a rotation of a string possessing the
* lowest lexicographical order of all such rotations.
* Finding the lexicographically minimal rotation is useful as a way of normalizing strings.
* <p>
* <br>
* This function implements Duval's algorithm.
* <br>
* Complexity: O(n)
* <br>
* @param text
* @return lexicographicall minimal rotation of text
public static String getLexicographicallyMinimalRotation(String text) {
return bestRotation(text, false);
* Finds lexicographically maximal string rotation.
* Lexicographically maximal string rotation is a rotation of a string possessing the
* highest lexicographical order of all such rotations.
* Finding the lexicographically maximal rotation is useful as a way of normalizing strings.
* <p>
* <br>
* This function implements Duval's algorithm.
* <br>
* Complexity: O(n)
* <br>
* @param text
* @return lexicographicall minimal rotation of text
public static String getLexicographicallyMaximalRotation(String text) {
return bestRotation(text, true);