You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System;
class Example22
public static void Main()
// 01234567
String str1 = "COMPUTER";
String str2 = "computer";
String str;
int result;
Console.WriteLine("str1 = '{0}', str2 = '{1}'", str1, str2);
Console.WriteLine("Ignore case:");
result = String.Compare(str1, 2, str2, 2, 2, true);
str = ((result < 0) ? "less than" : ((result > 0) ? "greater than" : "equal to"));
Console.Write("Substring '{0}' in '{1}' is ", str1.Substring(2, 2), str1);
Console.Write("{0} ", str);
Console.WriteLine("substring '{0}' in '{1}'.", str2.Substring(2, 2), str2);
Console.WriteLine("Honor case:");
result = String.Compare(str1, 2, str2, 2, 2, false);
str = ((result < 0) ? "less than" : ((result > 0) ? "greater than" : "equal to"));
Console.Write("Substring '{0}' in '{1}' is ", str1.Substring(2, 2), str1);
Console.Write("{0} ", str);
Console.WriteLine("substring '{0}' in '{1}'.", str2.Substring(2, 2), str2);