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Function ServerVariable(avar)
Dim sv
sv = UCase(avar)
ServerVariable = Request.ServerVariables(sv)
End Function
Function LServerVariable(avar)
LServerVariable = LCase(ServerVariable(avar))
End Function
Function UServerVariable(avar)
UServerVariable = UCase(ServerVariable(avar))
End Function
Function HTTPUserAgent
HTTPUserAgent = UServerVariable("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
End Function
Function HTTPRemoteHost
HTTPRemoteHost = LServerVariable("REMOTE_HOST")
End Function
Function HTTPAcceptLanguage
HTTPAcceptLanguage = LServerVariable("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE")
End Function
Function HTTPMethod
HTTPMethod = UServerVariable("REQUEST_METHOD")
End Function
Function HTTPURL
HTTPURL = ServerVariable("URL")
End Function
Function HTTPQueryString
HTTPQueryString = ServerVariable("QUERY_STRING")
End Function
Function URLEncode(value)
URLEncode = Server.URLEncode(value)
End Function