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<BODY onload="handleRSExecute()">
<script language="JavaScript" src="/learn/test/remote/rs.htm"></script>
<script language="JavaScript">RSEnableRemoteScripting("/learn/test/remote/");</script>
<h2>Simple Remote Scripting Example</h2>
<form name="remote1">
The Test <Input Type="text" name="test" value="none"><br>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
var serverURL = "remote1.asp";
Function myCallBack(co)
// document.write (co.return_value);
Function handleRSExecute()
var co = RSExecute(serverURL,"Method3");
Our sample remote1.asp looks like this:
<% RSDispatch %>
<!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/learn/test/remote/rs.asp"-->
<SCRIPT RUNAT=SERVER Language=javascript>
Function Description()
this.Method1 = Method1;
this.Method2 = Method2;
this.Method3 = Method3;
public_description = New Description();
Function Method1()
return "method1";
Function Method2()
return "method2";
Function Method3()
return "method3";