You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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First, you will need to create your database in MS Access 97 or 2000. Name your database "membersdb.mdb". Create the table "MEMBERS" with the fields USERNAMES, EMAIL & PASSWORD. Second, create "EnterEmail.htm" to let the visitor enter their email if they are registered with your database. For this example I am using the database I created in MS Access 2000.
<!-- Begin --->
<form method="POST" action="EmaiPassword.asp">
E-mail Address:<input type="text" name="email" size="30">
<p><input type="submit" value="Send it"></p>
<!-- End --->
Finally, we are going to create the ASP file that will verify the email address in the Access database and email the password. Call the file "EmailPassword.asp"
<% ' Begin %>
<% Option Explicit %>
Dim DATA_PATH, Conn, DataRecords, email, user, pass, sendmail
'Maps to database. Change to your database path.
' Create and intiate data connection
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.ConnectionTimeout = 15
Conn.CommandTimeout = 30
Conn.Open "DBQ=" & DATA_PATH & ";Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DriverId=25;MaxBufferSize=8192;Threads=20;", "admin", "password"
Set DataRecords = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
'The magic query to look for registered members in the database
DataRecords.Open "SELECT * FROM MEMBERS WHERE email = '" & email & "'", Conn, 0, 1
<title>Send Password</title>
'checks if email address exists in the database before sending a message.
if DataRecords.EOF then
<table border="0" cellPadding="0" cellSpacing="1" width="540">
<td class="title-err" bgcolor="#FF0000"><font color="#FFFFFF"><b>Invalid
Email Address</b></font></td>
<p><span class="text-err">We could not find</span><span class="text3b"> <%=email%></span>
<span class="text-err"> in our database.</span></p>
<% Else %>
'sets variables
email = request.form("email")
'chooses username and password from database that correspond to submitted email address.
user = DataRecords.Fields("username")
pass = DataRecords.Fields("password")
Set sendmail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
'put the webmaster address here
sendmail.From = ""
'The mail is sent to the address entered in the previous page.
sendmail.To = email
'Enter the subject of your mail here
sendmail.Subject = "Membership Login Information"
'This is the content of thr message.
sendmail.Body = "Per your request your account login information is: " & vbCrlf & vbCrlf _
& "Username=" & user & vbCrlf _
& "Password=" & pass & vbCrlf
'this sets mail priority.... 0=low 1=normal 2=high
sendmail.Importance = 3
<p class="text2">We just sent your login information to <%=email%>.<br>
You should receive it shortly.</p>
' Close Data Access Objects and free connection variables
Set DataRecords = Nothing
Set Conn = Nothing
Set sendmail = Nothing
<%end if%>