/* * C Program to Insert Character/Word in any Desired Location * in a String */ #include #include void main() { int i, j, count = 0, pos, flag = 0; char s1[100], s2[10], s3[100]; char *ptr1, *ptr2, *ptr3; printf(" enter the String:"); scanf(" %[^ ]s", s1); printf(" enter the string to be inserted:"); scanf(" %[^ ]s", s2); printf(" enter the position you like to insert:"); scanf("%d", &pos); ptr1 = s1; ptr3 = s3; /*COPYING THE GIVEN STRING TO NEW ARRAY AND INSERTING THE STRING IN NEW ARRAY*/ for (i = 0, j = 0; *ptr1 != ''; ptr1++, i++, j++, ptr3++) { s3[j] = s1[i]; if (*ptr1 == ' ' && flag != 1) ++count; if (flag != 1 && count == pos - 1) { flag = 1; for(ptr2 = s2; *ptr2 != ''; ptr2++) { s3[++j] = *ptr2; ptr3++; } s3[++j] = ' '; ptr3++; } } s3[j] = ''; printf(" the string after modification is %s ", s3); } enter the string: Welcome to illuminates C Programming Class, Welcome Again to C Class! enter the word to insert: illumin8s enter the position you like to insert:3 the string after modification is Welcome to illumin8s illuminates C Programming Class, Welcome Again to C Class!