/* Cosine Series - Program to find cos(x) using the series: cos(x) = 1 - (x^2) / 2! + (x^4) / 4! - (x^6) / 6! + .... Do calculations till the value of the next term is not lesser than 10^-5 */ /* We assume that the angle entered by user is between 0 and 2 pi radians (0 and 360 degrees) */ #include #include #define pi 3.141593 void main() { double d, x, i=0, s=0, f=1, num, nt; int tc=1 ; /* s-sum , f-factorial , num - nemerator , nt - next term , tc - term count */ clrscr() ; printf("Enter the angle in degrees: ") ; scanf("%lf", &d) ; x=d*pi/180 ; /* converts angle to radians */ num=1 ; while(1) { f=f*i*(i-1) ; /* Calculates factorial */ if(f==0) f=1 ; nt=num/f ; /* calculates next term */ if(nt<0.00001) break ; /* stops if next term is less than 10 raise to -5 */ if(tc%2==1) /* alternating + and - */ s=s+nt ; /* calculates sum*/ else s=s-nt ; /* Preparation for next execution */ i=i+2 ; tc++ ; num=num*x*x ; } printf("The cosine of angle %lf is %lf", d, s) ; getch() ; } /* Output Enter the angle in degrees: 60 The cosine of angle 60.000000 is 0.500000 */