using System; public class Exercise10 { public static void Main() { string str; int[] ch_fre = new int[255]; int i = 0, max,l; int ascii; Console.Write("\n\nFind maximum occurring character in a string :\n"); Console.Write("--------------------------------------------------\n"); Console.Write("Input the string : "); str = Console.ReadLine(); l=str.Length; for(i=0; i<255; i++) //Set frequency of all characters to 0 { ch_fre[i] = 0; } /* Read for frequency of each characters */ i=0; while(i ch_fre[max]) max = i; } } Console.Write("The Highest frequency of character '{0}' is appearing for number of times : {1} \n\n", (char)max, ch_fre[max]); } }