" >
<% Dim strAge , intAge , blnValid If Request.ServerVariables("CONTENT_LENGTH") <> 0 Then strAge = Trim(Request.form("age")) 'if strAge is a number then we go on If isNumeric(strAge) Then 'convert strAGe to an integer intAge = CInt(strAge) ' if age is between 1 and 120 then success If 1<= intAge and 120 >= intAge Then blnValid = True End If 'if a number is entered then display this Else Response.Write "You didnt enter a valid number
" End If 'if you have a valid number then display a message If blnValid = True Then Response.Write("Your age is " & intAge) 'if number is invalid then display a different message Else Response.Write("Enter an age between 1 and 120 ") End If End If %>