Note: If a button labeled "Browse..." does Not appear, Then your browser does Not support File Upload. For Internet Explorer 3.02 users, a free add-On Is available from Microsoft. If you Do Not see a Browse... button click here To go To Microsoft's Site and get your free file upload add-on. Select "Internet Explorer 3.02 File Upload Add-On for Windows 95 & NT".
The Form Definition To enable file upload, include an Input tag of In your HTML form. When using a form To upload files, you must Set the following attributes: The FORM tag must include the attribute ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data". The must include the NAME attribute. The Server-side Processing The responder To the form will look like this: Uploadsimplerespond Thank you For uploading your file.
<% Set upl = Server.CreateObject("SoftArtisans.FileUp") upl.Path = Server.MapPath ("/upload/tests") upl.SaveAs "upload.tst"%>
Total Bytes Written: <%=upl.TotalBytes%> To process the upload On the server, In the response page (In this Case, uploadsimplerespond.asp) create an instance of the SA-FileUp object. <% Set upl = Server.CreateObject("SoftArtisans.FileUp") %> Save the file In a directory On the web server. <% upl.SaveAs "C: empupload.out" %> The TotalBytes Property contains the size In bytes of the uploaded file. The directory On the web server must have Read, Write, And Delete NTFS permissions For the anonymous Or authenticated user. Otherwise, SA-FileUp will Not be able To Write files into that directory. Talk To your web master about setting the appropriate permissions.