package com.jwetherell.algorithms.data_structures; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * A red–black tree is a type of self-balancing binary search tree, a data * structure used in computer science, typically to implement associative * arrays. A red–black tree is a binary search tree that inserts and deletes in * such a way that the tree is always reasonably balanced. Red-black trees are * often compared with AVL trees. AVL trees are more rigidly balanced, they are * faster than red-black trees for lookup intensive applications. However, * red-black trees are faster for insertion and removal. * * * * @author Justin Wetherell */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class RedBlackTree> extends BinarySearchTree { protected static final boolean BLACK = false; protected static final boolean RED = true; /** * Default constructor. */ public RedBlackTree() { this.creator = new BinarySearchTree.INodeCreator() { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public BinarySearchTree.Node createNewNode(BinarySearchTree.Node parent, T id) { return (new RedBlackNode(parent, id, BLACK)); } }; } /** * Constructor with external Node creator. */ public RedBlackTree(INodeCreator creator) { super(creator); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected Node addValue(T id) { if (root == null) { // Case 1 - The current node is at the root of the tree. // Defaulted to black in our creator root = this.creator.createNewNode(null, id); root.lesser = this.creator.createNewNode(root, null); root.greater = this.creator.createNewNode(root, null); size++; return root; } RedBlackNode nodeAdded = null; // Insert node like a BST would Node node = root; while (node != null) { if ( == null) { = id; ((RedBlackNode) node).color = RED; // Defaulted to black in our creator node.lesser = this.creator.createNewNode(node, null); node.greater = this.creator.createNewNode(node, null); nodeAdded = (RedBlackNode) node; break; } else if (id.compareTo( <= 0) { node = node.lesser; } else { node = node.greater; } } if (nodeAdded != null) balanceAfterInsert(nodeAdded); size++; return nodeAdded; } /** * Post insertion balancing algorithm. * * @param begin * to begin balancing at. * @return True if balanced. */ private void balanceAfterInsert(RedBlackNode begin) { RedBlackNode node = begin; RedBlackNode parent = (RedBlackNode) node.parent; if (parent == null) { // Case 1 - The current node is at the root of the tree. node.color = BLACK; return; } if (parent.color == BLACK) { // Case 2 - The current node's parent is black, so property 4 (both // children of every red node are black) is not invalidated. return; } RedBlackNode grandParent = node.getGrandParent(); RedBlackNode uncle = node.getUncle(grandParent); if (parent.color == RED && uncle.color == RED) { // Case 3 - If both the parent and the uncle are red, then both of // them can be repainted black and the grandparent becomes // red (to maintain property 5 (all paths from any given node to its // leaf nodes contain the same number of black nodes)). parent.color = BLACK; uncle.color = BLACK; if (grandParent != null) { grandParent.color = RED; balanceAfterInsert(grandParent); } return; } if (parent.color == RED && uncle.color == BLACK) { // Case 4 - The parent is red but the uncle is black; also, the // current node is the right child of parent, and parent in turn // is the left child of its parent grandparent. if (node == parent.greater && parent == grandParent.lesser) { // right-left rotateLeft(parent); node = (RedBlackNode) node.lesser; parent = (RedBlackNode) node.parent; grandParent = node.getGrandParent(); uncle = node.getUncle(grandParent); } else if (node == parent.lesser && parent == grandParent.greater) { // left-right rotateRight(parent); node = (RedBlackNode) node.greater; parent = (RedBlackNode) node.parent; grandParent = node.getGrandParent(); uncle = node.getUncle(grandParent); } } if (parent.color == RED && uncle.color == BLACK) { // Case 5 - The parent is red but the uncle is black, the // current node is the left child of parent, and parent is the // left child of its parent G. parent.color = BLACK; grandParent.color = RED; if (node == parent.lesser && parent == grandParent.lesser) { // left-left rotateRight(grandParent); } else if (node == parent.greater && parent == grandParent.greater) { // right-right rotateLeft(grandParent); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected Node removeNode(Node node) { if (node == null) return node; RedBlackNode nodeToRemoved = (RedBlackNode)node; if (nodeToRemoved.isLeaf()) { // No children = null; if (nodeToRemoved == root) { root = null; } else { = null; nodeToRemoved.color = BLACK; nodeToRemoved.lesser = null; nodeToRemoved.greater = null; } size--; return nodeToRemoved; } // At least one child // Keep the id and assign it to the replacement node T id =; RedBlackNode lesser = (RedBlackNode) nodeToRemoved.lesser; RedBlackNode greater = (RedBlackNode) nodeToRemoved.greater; if ( != null && != null) { // Two children RedBlackNode greatestInLesser = (RedBlackNode) this.getGreatest(lesser); if (greatestInLesser == null || == null) greatestInLesser = lesser; // Replace node with greatest in his lesser tree, which leaves us with only one child replaceValueOnly(nodeToRemoved, greatestInLesser); nodeToRemoved = greatestInLesser; lesser = (RedBlackNode) nodeToRemoved.lesser; greater = (RedBlackNode) nodeToRemoved.greater; } // Handle one child RedBlackNode child = (RedBlackNode) (( != null) ? lesser : greater); if (nodeToRemoved.color == BLACK) { if (child.color == BLACK) nodeToRemoved.color = RED; boolean result = balanceAfterDelete(nodeToRemoved); if (!result) return nodeToRemoved; } // Replacing node with child replaceWithChild(nodeToRemoved, child); // Add the id to the child because it represents the node that was removed. = id; if (root == nodeToRemoved) { root.parent = null; ((RedBlackNode)root).color = BLACK; // If we replaced the root with a leaf, just null out root if (nodeToRemoved.isLeaf()) root = null; } nodeToRemoved = child; size--; return nodeToRemoved; } /** * Replace value of nodeToReplaceWith with nodeToReplace. * * @param nodeToReplace * will get value of nodeToReplaceWith. * @param nodeToReplaceWith * will get value NULLed. */ private void replaceValueOnly(RedBlackNode nodeToReplace, RedBlackNode nodeToReplaceWith) { =; = null; } /** * Replace entire contents of nodeToReplace with nodeToReplaceWith. * * @param nodeToReplace * will get it's contents replace with nodeToReplaceWith * contents. * @param nodeToReplaceWith * will not be changed. */ private void replaceWithChild(RedBlackNode nodeToReplace, RedBlackNode nodeToReplaceWith) { =; nodeToReplace.color = nodeToReplaceWith.color; nodeToReplace.lesser = nodeToReplaceWith.lesser; if (nodeToReplace.lesser!=null) nodeToReplace.lesser.parent = nodeToReplace; nodeToReplace.greater = nodeToReplaceWith.greater; if (nodeToReplace.greater!=null) nodeToReplace.greater.parent = nodeToReplace; } /** * Post delete balancing algorithm. * * @param node * to begin balancing at. * @return True if balanced or false if error. */ private boolean balanceAfterDelete(RedBlackNode node) { if (node.parent == null) { // Case 1 - node is the new root. return true; } RedBlackNode parent = (RedBlackNode) node.parent; RedBlackNode sibling = node.getSibling(); if (sibling.color == RED) { // Case 2 - sibling is red. parent.color = RED; sibling.color = BLACK; if (node == parent.lesser) { rotateLeft(parent); // Rotation, need to update parent/sibling parent = (RedBlackNode) node.parent; sibling = node.getSibling(); } else if (node == parent.greater) { rotateRight(parent); // Rotation, need to update parent/sibling parent = (RedBlackNode) node.parent; sibling = node.getSibling(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Yikes! I'm not related to my parent. " + node.toString()); } } if (parent.color == BLACK && sibling.color == BLACK && ((RedBlackNode) sibling.lesser).color == BLACK && ((RedBlackNode) sibling.greater).color == BLACK ) { // Case 3 - parent, sibling, and sibling's children are black. sibling.color = RED; return balanceAfterDelete(parent); } if (parent.color == RED && sibling.color == BLACK && ((RedBlackNode) sibling.lesser).color == BLACK && ((RedBlackNode) sibling.greater).color == BLACK ) { // Case 4 - sibling and sibling's children are black, but parent is red. sibling.color = RED; parent.color = BLACK; return true; } if (sibling.color == BLACK) { // Case 5 - sibling is black, sibling's left child is red, // sibling's right child is black, and node is the left child of // its parent. if (node == parent.lesser && ((RedBlackNode) sibling.lesser).color == RED && ((RedBlackNode) sibling.greater).color == BLACK ) { sibling.color = RED; ((RedBlackNode) sibling.lesser).color = RED; rotateRight(sibling); // Rotation, need to update parent/sibling parent = (RedBlackNode) node.parent; sibling = node.getSibling(); } else if (node == parent.greater && ((RedBlackNode) sibling.lesser).color == BLACK && ((RedBlackNode) sibling.greater).color == RED ) { sibling.color = RED; ((RedBlackNode) sibling.greater).color = RED; rotateLeft(sibling); // Rotation, need to update parent/sibling parent = (RedBlackNode) node.parent; sibling = node.getSibling(); } } // Case 6 - sibling is black, sibling's right child is red, and node // is the left child of its parent. sibling.color = parent.color; parent.color = BLACK; if (node == parent.lesser) { ((RedBlackNode) sibling.greater).color = BLACK; rotateLeft(node.parent); } else if (node == parent.greater) { ((RedBlackNode) sibling.lesser).color = BLACK; rotateRight(node.parent); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Yikes! I'm not related to my parent. " + node.toString()); } return true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean validate() { if (root == null) return true; if (((RedBlackNode) root).color == RED) { // Root node should be black return false; } return this.validateNode(root); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected boolean validateNode(Node node) { RedBlackNode rbNode = (RedBlackNode) node; RedBlackNode lesser = (RedBlackNode) rbNode.lesser; RedBlackNode greater = (RedBlackNode) rbNode.greater; if (rbNode.isLeaf() && rbNode.color == RED) { // Leafs should not be red return false; } if (rbNode.color == RED) { // You should not have two red nodes in a row if (lesser.color == RED) return false; if (greater.color == RED) return false; } if (!lesser.isLeaf()) { // Check BST property boolean lesserCheck = <= 0; if (!lesserCheck) return false; // Check red-black property lesserCheck = this.validateNode(lesser); if (!lesserCheck) return false; } if (!greater.isLeaf()) { // Check BST property boolean greaterCheck = > 0; if (!greaterCheck) return false; // Check red-black property greaterCheck = this.validateNode(greater); if (!greaterCheck) return false; } return true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public java.util.Collection toCollection() { return (new JavaCompatibleRedBlackTree(this)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString() { return RedBlackTreePrinter.getString(this); } protected static class RedBlackNode> extends Node { protected boolean color = BLACK; protected RedBlackNode(Node parent, T id, boolean color) { super(parent, id); this.color = color; } protected RedBlackNode getGrandParent() { if (parent == null || parent.parent == null) return null; return (RedBlackNode) parent.parent; } protected RedBlackNode getUncle(RedBlackNode grandParent) { if (grandParent == null) return null; if (grandParent.lesser != null && grandParent.lesser == parent) { return (RedBlackNode) grandParent.greater; } else if (grandParent.greater != null && grandParent.greater == parent) { return (RedBlackNode) grandParent.lesser; } return null; } protected RedBlackNode getUncle() { RedBlackNode grandParent = getGrandParent(); return getUncle(grandParent); } protected RedBlackNode getSibling() { if (parent == null) return null; if (parent.lesser == this) { return (RedBlackNode) parent.greater; } else if (parent.greater == this) { return (RedBlackNode) parent.lesser; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Yikes! I'm not related to my parent. " + this.toString()); } } protected boolean isLeaf() { if (lesser != null) return false; if (greater != null) return false; return true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString() { return "id=" + id + " color=" + ((color == RED) ? "RED" : "BLACK") + " isLeaf=" + isLeaf() + " parent=" + ((parent != null) ? : "NULL") + " lesser=" + ((lesser != null) ? : "NULL") + " greater=" + ((greater != null) ? : "NULL"); } } protected static class RedBlackTreePrinter { public static > String getString(RedBlackTree tree) { if (tree.root == null) return "Tree has no nodes."; return getString((RedBlackNode) tree.root, "", true); } public static > String getString(RedBlackNode node) { if (node == null) return "Sub-tree has no nodes."; return getString(node, "", true); } private static > String getString(RedBlackNode node, String prefix, boolean isTail) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(prefix + (isTail ? "└── " : "├── ") + "(" + ((node.color == RED) ? "RED" : "BLACK") + ") " + + " [parent=" + ((node.parent!=null)?"NULL") + " grand-parent=" + ((node.parent!=null && node.parent.parent!=null)?"NULL") + "]\n" ); List> children = null; if (node.lesser != null || node.greater != null) { children = new ArrayList>(2); if (node.lesser != null) children.add(node.lesser); if (node.greater != null) children.add(node.greater); } if (children != null) { for (int i = 0; i < children.size() - 1; i++) { builder.append(getString((RedBlackNode) children.get(i), prefix + (isTail ? " " : "│ "), false)); } if (children.size() >= 1) { builder.append(getString((RedBlackNode) children.get(children.size() - 1), prefix + (isTail ? " " : "│ "), true)); } } return builder.toString(); } } public static class JavaCompatibleRedBlackTree> extends java.util.AbstractCollection { private RedBlackTree tree = null; public JavaCompatibleRedBlackTree() { this.tree = new RedBlackTree (); } public JavaCompatibleRedBlackTree(RedBlackTree tree) { this.tree = tree; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean add(T value) { return tree.add(value); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean remove(Object value) { return (tree.remove((T)value)!=null); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean contains(Object value) { return tree.contains((T)value); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int size() { return tree.size(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Iterator iterator() { return (new RedBlackTreeIterator(this.tree)); } private static class RedBlackTreeIterator> implements Iterator { private RedBlackTree tree = null; private RedBlackTree.Node last = null; private Deque> toVisit = new ArrayDeque>(); protected RedBlackTreeIterator(RedBlackTree tree) { this.tree = tree; if (tree.root!=null) { toVisit.add(tree.root); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean hasNext() { if (toVisit.size()>0) return true; return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public C next() { while (toVisit.size()>0) { // Go thru the current nodes RedBlackTree.Node n = toVisit.pop(); // Add non-null children if (n.lesser!=null &&!=null) { toVisit.add(n.lesser); } if (n.greater!=null &&!=null) { toVisit.add(n.greater); } last = n; return; } return null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void remove() { tree.removeNode(last); } } } }