/* * C Program to Reverse the String using Both Recursion and Iteration */ #include #include /* Function Prototype */ void disp_str1_rec(char *); void main() { char str1[100], *ptr; int len1 = 0, i; char ch; printf("Enter the string:\n"); scanf("%[^\n]s", str1); ptr = str1; len1 = strlen(str1); printf("Using iteration:\n"); for (i = len1 - 1; i >= 0; i--) /* Iterative loop */ { ch = str1[i]; printf("%c", ch); } printf("Using recurssion:\n"); disp_str1_rec(ptr); } /* Code to reverse the string using Recursion */ void disp_str1_rec(char *stng) { char ch; if (*stng != '\0') { ch = *stng; stng++; disp_str1_rec(stng); printf("%c", ch); } else return; } /* *OUTPUT: Enter the string: welcome to sanfoundry's c programming class Using iteration: ssalc gnimmargorp c s'yrdnuofnas ot emoclew Using recurssion: ssalc gnimmargorp c s'yrdnuofnas ot emoclewi */