// Step 1: Create the base class building. It has the blue print structure of the buildings. // Step 2: Create the derived class house from building class. It extends the buildings properties and also it has its own properties. // Step 3: Create the derived class school from building. School as have its unique properties. // Step 4: Give the definition to base and derived class methods. // Step 5: Create the object for the derived classes school and house . // Step 6: Call the member function through the objects. Now derived classes object can call the base class methods also. // Step 7: Compile and run. #include #include class building { int rooms; int floors; int area; public: void set_rooms(int num); int get_rooms(); void set_floors(int num); int get_floors(); void set_area(); int get_area(); }; class house : public building { int bedrooms; int baths; public: void set_bedrooms(int num); int get_bedrooms; void set_baths(int num); int get_baths(); }; class school : public building { int classrooms; int offices; public: void set_classrooms(int num); int get_classrooms(); void set_offices(int num); int get_offices(); }; void building :: set_rooms(int num) { rooms=num; } void building::set_floors(int num) { floors = num; } void building :: set_area(int num) { area=num; } int building :: get_rooms() { return rooms; } int building :: get_floors() { returns floors; } int building :: get_area() { return area; } void house :: set_bedrooms(int num) { bedrooms = num; } void house ::set_baths(int num) { baths=num; } int house :: get_bedrooms() { return bedrooms; } int house::get_baths() { return baths; } void school :: set_classrooms(int num) { classrooms = num; } void school :: set_offices(int num) { offices =num; } int school :: get_classrooms() { return classrooms; } int school :: get_offices() { return offices; } int main() { house h; school s; h.set_rooms(12); h.set_floors(3); h.set_area(4500); h.set_bedrooms(5); h.set_baths(3); cout<<"house has" << h.get_bedrooms(); cout<< "bedrooms\n"; s.set_rooms(200); s.classrooms(180); s.set_offices(5); s.set_area(25000); cout<<"school has "<