=begin #Counting Sort is a linear time sort used when range of keys is already known. #Algorithm 1. Take a count array to store the frequency of each value in given range 2. change count[i] to count[i]+count[i-1],i.e each element now stores the prefix sum of counts. 3. take each value from the array and put it at the correct index in output array using count, decrement value of count! (correct index of a[i] will be count[a[i]-1]) 4.Finally copy the values of output array to array. # n is the size of array and k is the range of input #Time-complexity: O(n+k), Auxiliary-space:O(n+k), Not In-place, Not stable =end def counting_sort(a=[9,8,7,6],min=0,max=10) if min>max return "invalid range" end n=max-min+1 count=Array.new(n,0) len=a.length output=Array.new(len) for i in 0...len count[a[i]-min]+=1 end for i in 1...n count[i]+=count[i-1] end for i in 0...len output[count[a[i]-min]-1]=a[i] count[a[i]-min]-=1 end for i in 0...len a[i]=output[i] end return a end counting_sort([9,8,1,2,3,7],-3,10)